

氏名(本籍) Rerkkumsup Pongpun
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第293号
学位授与の日付 平成16年3月25日
 主査 助教授 明田川 正人
 副査 教授 秋山 伸幸
 副査 教授 久曽神 煌
 副査 教授 柳 和久
 副査 長岡工業高等専門学校 校長 高田 孝次

平成15(2003)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.


List of abbreviations p.1
1.1 Background of the length mesurement with nanometer accuracy in present situation p.1
1.2 Research objective and outline p.7
 Reference p.10

Chapter2:Absolute length mesuring method by combining laser Interferometry and regilar crystalline surface
List of abbreviations p.14
2.1 Introduction p.14
2.2 Single stage mode method p.15
 2.2.1 Structure and principle p.15
 2.2.2 Operational procedure p.18
2.3 Dual stage mode method p.21
 2.3.1 Structure and principle p.21
 2.3.2 Operational procedure p.24
2.4 Required technologies for the proposed method p.27
2.5 Conclusions p.29
 Reference p.30

Chapter3:Determination of lattice spacing
List of abbreviations p.31
3.1 Introduction p. 31
3.2 Pronciples p.32
 3.2.1 Phase modulation homodyne interferometer p.32
 3.2.2 Number of the lattice spacing on crystalline surface p.38
3.3 Experimental apparatus p.40
3.4 Experiments and results p.44
 3.4.1 Long atomic imaging p.44
 3.4.2 Evaluation of the lattice spacing p.46
 3.4.3 Budget of uncertainties estimation p.48
3.5 Conclusions p.53
 Reference p.54

Chapter4:Atom-tracking and stepping control of a STM tip by referring to atomic points and arrays regular crystalline surface
List of abbreviations p.56
4.1 Introduction p.56
4.2 Tracking system of the disturbance p.58
 4.2.1 Influence of the disturbance p.62
 4.2.2 Frequency response of the tracking system p.64
4.3 Tracking conditions and comtroller design p.66
4.4 Evaluation of the stabilization techniqe p.73
4.5 Evaluation of real-time atomic encoder p.80
 4.5.1 Real-time atomic encoding by referring to single crystalline lattice p.82
 4.5.2 Real-time atomic encoding by referring to multiple crystalline lattices p.85
4.6 Conclusions p.86
 References p.87

Chapter5:Prototypinginstrument for absolute length measurement using dual stages mode method
List of abbreviations p.88
5.1 Introduction p.88
5.2 Experimental apparatus p.90
 5.2.1 X-axis dual translation stages p. 94
 5.2.2 Self-detectiong AFM unit p.95
 5.3.3 Vacuum chamber p.97
5.3 Experiments and and results p.98
 5.3.1 X-axis dual translation stages p.98
 5.3.2 Improvement of the phase modulation homodyne interferometer p.101
 5.3.3 Demonstration of absolute length measurement using dual stages mode instrument p.103
5.4 Conclusions p.107
 References p.108

Chapter6:absolute length measurement using single stage mode method
List of abbreviations p.109
6.1 Introduction p.109
6.2 Experimental apparatus p.111
 6.2.1 Commercial optical linear encoder p.112
 6.2.2 Structure of single stage mode instrument p.113
 6.2.3 measurement system p.115
6.3 Experiments and and results p.118
 6.3.1 Evalution of the optical linear encoder p.118
 6.3.2 Evalution of the single stage mode instrument p.120
 6.3.3 Evalution of the interpolation error using crystalline lattice spacing p.126
6.4 Conclusions p.130
 References p.131

Chapter7:Overall conclusions
7.1 Overall conclusions p.132
7.2 Further study p.136
 References p.137
Appendix A:Laser interferometer p.138
Appendix B:Scanning tunneling microscope p.140
Appendix C:Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite p.143

List of selected paper p.145


Nanotechnology requires measurement method for length/displacement applicable to millimeter range with subnanometer resolution. A phase modulation homodyne interferometer, which is proposed by Basile et. al., can determine an optical path difference of wavelength times integer with an accuracy of 10 pm. The lattice spacing for some regular crystalline lattices can be used as a reference scale with subnanometer resolution. A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is popular tools in surface engineering. The crystalline surfaces can be used as "crystalline lattice scale" having subnanometer resolution by combining them with the STM as a detector.
The main objective of this thesis is to develop and demonstrate an absolute length measurement method by combining regular crystalline surface, a STM and a phase modulation homodyne interferometer. The lattice spacing on a regular crystalline surface and the complete optical fringe of the interferometer can be used as a fine scale and a coarse scale, respectively, to determine arbitrary length with subnanometer resolution. In this thesis, the following items are discussed.
(1) Principles, operational procedures and required technologies of the proposed method are verified. The method is designed to operate into two modes i.e. single stage and dual stages modes. The single stage mode method consists of a piezo driven parallel spring X-axis single translation stage, a STM unit with YZ-scanner/tip, a phase modulation homodyne interferometer and a transducer (or sample/probe) to be measured. For the dual stages method, a parallel spring X-axis dual translation stages is used instead of a single translation stage. Required technologies are a precise translation stage, a phase modulation homodyne interferometer, a highly stiff STM, and a real-time atomic encoding method. The above technologies are developed in next items (2) ~ (4)
(2) The instrument for direct measurement of the lattice spacing on regular crystalline surface incorporating with a stiff STM, a precise parallel spring X-axis translation stage, and a phase modulation homodyne interferometer, is constructed. With this instrument, the lattice spacing on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) is measured. The mean value and expanded uncertainty of the lattice spacing measurement on HOPG surface are of 0.246 nm and 6.8 pm, respectively.
(3) To realize the "real-time atomic encoder" needed for automatic detection of atoms on crystalline surface, atom-tracking and stepping control of a STM tip by referring to atomic points and arrays on regular crystalline surface are developed. To overcome the atom-missing problem affected by the external disturbance, the new tracking controller is designed. The new stabilization technique is proposed by combining a new controller with enhancement of the STM stiffness. The performance of proposed stabilization technique is evaluated by means of the artificial internal and external disturbances using sinusoidal signal and acoustic generators, respectively. The stabilization technique is applied to perform stepping control of a STM tip by referring to atomic arrays to realize "real-time atomic encoder". The stepping control along single crystalline lattice over 50 nm (200 atoms) is achieved.
(4) An instrument, based on the proposed single stage mode method, for absolute length measurement is constructed. It is used to investigate the nonlinear interpolation error in a commercial optical linear encoder. Another instrument base on the proposed dual stages mode methods is also constructed and used to measure a pitch of diffraction grating. The results show that the proposed method for absolute length measurement by using the integer number of the complete optical fringes from a phase modulation homodyne interferometer and lattice spacing on HOPG surface as a coarse scale and a fine scale, respectively, are verified.

本論文は「Absolute length measurement method by combining laser interferometry and regular crystalline lattice (レーザ干渉計と結晶格子を複合した絶対測長法の開発)」と題し、光路差が波長の整数倍のとき長さをピコメートル分解能で決定できる位相変調ホモダインレーザ干渉計(以下、レーザ干渉計)と走査型トンネル顕微鏡(以下、STM)で観察できる結晶格子を複合し、レーザ波長を粗調スケールに、格子間隔を微調スケールとする複合型測長法を論じ、全7章よりなる。



