【終了しました】「国際学会に向けた英語プレゼンテーションセミナー」参加者募集 English Presentation Seminar for International Conferences
- 開催日時: 平成31年1月16日(水曜)14時40分-16時10分 (4限目)
- 場所: 講義棟 AL1教室
- 対象者: 学会発表経験のある本学の大学院生および若手教員
- 募集人数: 最大30名
- 申込方法 :
- 申込期限: 12月13日(木曜)
Library will hold ‘English presentation seminar for international conferences’.
Participants will submit the conference presentation materials or poster presentation materials that they have created beforehand. On the basis of that, the external lecturer will give a lecture and moreover participants perform individual work and presentation practice.
If you wish to participate, please apply from the following.
- Date/Time : Wed., Jan. 16th, 2019 14:40 to 16:10
- Place : Lecture Bldg. Room AL1
- Eligible person: NUT graduate students and faculty members who have an academic presentation experience
- Number of participants: Up to 30 people
- How to apply: Please apply from
this form(外部サイト).
- Application deadline: Thu., Dec. 13th, 2018
※You can participant on first come, first served basis. Application may be closed even before the application period is over if we meet the maximum number.
※Library Current News No.367(PDF:424KB) もご参照ください。
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