
Cultural Impact on Countermeasures in Protecting Business Information (文化的背景が情報セキュリティ管理に及ぼす影響)

氏名 Liska Waluyan
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第519号
学位授与の日付 平成21年8月31日
学位論文題目 Cultural Impact on Countermeasures in Protecting Business Information (文化的背景が情報セキュリティ管理に及ぼす影響)
 主査 教授 淺井 達雄
 副査 教授 中村 和男
 副査 教授 松井 志菜子
 副査 准教授 渡辺 研司
 副査 准教授 マーラシンハ チャンドラジット アーシュボーダ

平成21(2009)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Table of contents
Table of contents p.i
List of Figures p.iv
List of Tables p.iv
Chapter 1 Introduction p.1
 1.1 Information Security Management (ISM) p.1
 1.2 Literature studies p.2
 1.2.1 Information Security Management (ISM) p.2
 1.2.2 Cultural frameworks p.8
 1.2.3 Organizational Behavior (OB) p.16
 1.2.4 Human Resource Management (HRM) p.20
 1.3 Positioning of research p.21
 1.4 Scheme of approach p.22
 1.5 Research methodology p.22
 1.6 Organization of the dissertation p.24
Chapter 2 Preparatory research p.25
 2.1 Introduction p.25
 2.2 Hypatheses of cultural impact on countermeasures in ISM p.27
 2.3 Statistical analysis of the hypotheses p.36
 2.3.1 Survey profiles p.36
 2.3.2 Results of survey p.36
 2.4 Conclutions and further work p.45
Chapter 3 Indonesia (Moslem society) p.48
 3.1 Introduction p.48
 3.2 Logical Analysis of Level of potential (LoP) p.49
 3.3 Summary p.60
 3.4 Conclutions and Further Work p.62
Chapter 4 Malaysia (Moslem society and mixture) p.62
 4.1 Introduction p.64
 4.2 Logical Analysis of LoP p.65
 4.3 Surveyed analysis of level of severity p.68
 4.3.1 Survey profiles p.68
 4.3.2 Severities of Problems p.69
 4.3.3 Practicability of LoP p.70
 4.3.4 Analysis of Serious Problems p.71
 4.4 Conclutions and Further Work p.76
 4.5 Recommendations p.77
Chapter 5 Thailand (Buddhist society) p.79
 5.1 Introduction p.81
 5.2 Logical Analysis of LoP p.86
 5.3 Surveyed analysis of level of severity p.87
 5.3.1 Profile of Survey p.88
 5.3.2 Severities of Problems p.89
 5.3.3 Practicability of LoP p.91
 5.3.4 Analysis of Serious Problems p.96
 5.4 Conclutions and Further Work p.98
 5.6 Recommendations for Japanese Companies p.100
Chapter 6 Venezuela (Catholic society) p.100
 6.1 Introduction p.101
 6.2 Logical Analysis of LoP p.103
 6.3 Surveyed analysis of level of severity p.103
 6.3.1 Survey profiles p.104
 6.3.2 Surveyed analysis of level of severity p.106
 6.4 Surveyed analysis of level of severity p.106
 6.5 Conclutions and Further Work p.110
 6.6 Recommendations for Managers of Japanese Campanies p.112
Chapter 7 Brazil (Catholic society) p.113
 7.1 Introduction p.113
 7.2 Logical analysis of level of potential (LoP) p.114
 7.3 Surveyed analysis of level of severity p.116
 7.3.1 Survey profiles p.116
 7.3.2 Surveyed analysis of level of severity p.116
 7.3.3 Practicability of LoP p.120
 7.3.4 Analysis of Serious Problems p.121
 7.4 Conclutions and Further Work p.127
 7.5 Recommendation p.129
Chapter 8 Influencing factors other than Hofstede's and Hall's cultural dimentions p.130
 8.1 Introduction p.130
 8.2 Muticultural environment p.130
 8.3 Business sector p.135
 8.4 Rligion p.136
 8.5 Gender p.138
 8.6 Experience abroad p.138
 8.6 The level of economic growth p.140
 8.7 Conclusions p.141
Chapter 9 Potential Problems encountered by Japanese companies p.143
 9.1 Introduction p.143
 9.2 A comparison of Level of Potential (LoPs) among the studied countries p.144
 9.3 A comparison of surveyed severities among the studied countries p.147
 9.4 Conclusions and future work p.150
Chapter 10 Conclusions p.152
 10.1 Concluding remarks p.152
 10.1.1 Practicability of LoP p.152
 10.1.2 The severities of problems p.152
 10.1.3 Japanese companies p.153
 10.1.4 An approach to explore potential problems p.154
 10.2 Limitations p.154
 10.2.1 Samples p.154
 10.2.2 Cultual frameworks p.154
 10.2.3 Surveyed severities p.155
 10.3 Future work p.155
Reference p.157
List of Author's Publication p.164
 Full papers p.164
 International conference p.164
 Proceeding p.165
Appendices p.166
 Questionnarires p.166
 Malaysian Questionnaire p.177
 Venezuelan Questionnaire p.186
 Brazilian Questionnaire p.192

 As the discussion about information security started in order to secure computerized information systems against computer viruses and/or crackers, there are still many people who believe that information security management (ISM) is a matter of technology. However, it is quite natural to understand that it is not only a matter of technology but also a matter of people management because digitalized information is only a part of the whole information. Non-digitalized information such as paper documents still plays important roles.

 People act on their perceptions which may be influenced by their culture. According to Hofstede, culture gives influences to people’s beliefs and expectations. Pronin states people’s beliefs and expectations may lead people to mistakes. Schneier and Komatsu also state that people’s expectations may be one of the causes of misjudgment concerning how to react to risks. Thus, it is natural to think that culture may have some relations with human errors, especially in cross-cultural environment. However, nobody has carried out a quantitative study on this relationship yet. This paper analyzes the relationship between culture and human errors in information security management. The purpose of this research is to find effective actions in order to prevent troubles related to information security due to cultural differences. This research takes 4 steps as follows:

 Step 1 to explore potential problems and to predict how potential they are,

 Step 2 to find how high the severity of those problems are,

 Step 3 to evaluate the practicability of a newly developed measure, LoP (Level of Potential),

 Step 4 to give recommendations to foreign investing companies.

 In this paper, the word “potential” means how soon a problem may become real. It means the probability in other words. The word “severity” means how big influence a problem may cause.

 Step 1 is based on Hofstede’s framework and on experience in global business activities. Step 2, 3 and 4 are based on the results of surveys conducted in investee countries (pivot countries).

Table The investee (pivot) countries, their main investor countries and the surveys
Survey periodSamplesMain investor countryPredict-
ability of LoP*)
MalaysiaMarch 20081005Japan, US, Singapore, UK and Germany5/8=63
ThailandMarch 20082558Japan, US, Singapore, UK, Germany, France,7/10=70
Hong Kong and Taiwan
VenezuelaJanuary-May 2008441Japan5/7=71
BrazilMarch 2009613Japan, US and Netherlands4/9=44

*) The number of problems can be predicted / total number of the developed problems

Considering the size of foreign direct investment and religious coverage, we select Malaysia, Thailand, Venezuela and Brazil as investee countries. The above table shows the information of investee countries and their main investor countries. It also shows the information concerning the surveys. The newly developed measure, LoP, is proved to be practical and useful to predict potential problems which foreign companies may face in their investee countries. It is found that the predictability of LoP is some 70% as far as non-multicultural countries are concerned.“Using previous company’s confidential information”is commonly found to be the severest problem in the studied investee countries.

 本論文は、「Cultural Impact on Countermeasures in Protecting Business Information(文化的背景が情報セキュリティ管理に及ぼす影響)」と題し、10章から構成されている。



 第3章「インドネシア(イスラム社会)」では、IBM社の心理学者として活躍したGeert Hofstedeが世界74カ国国・地域について調査した文化的スコアを活用した新たな尺度LoP(Level of Potential)の概念を創出し、職場で発生する恐れのあるセキュリティ管理上の問題の発生可能性を推定する方法を考案し、この方法の実用性の検証を試みている。











