
lossless and lossy Integrated conding for digital still images


氏名 ソムチャート・チョクチャイタム
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第253号
学位授与の日付 平成14年8月31日
学位論文題目 lossless and lossy Integrated conding for digital still images (ディジタル静止画像のためのロスレス・ロッシー統合符号化)
 主査 助教授 岩橋 政宏
 審査委員 教授 神林 紀嘉
 審査委員 教授 吉川 敏則
 審査委員 教授 中川 匡弘
 審査委員 助教授 張 熙
 審査委員 東京都立大学教授 貴家 仁志

平成14(2002)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

1.Introduction on Image Compression p.11
1.1 Background of the research p.11
1.2 Overview of the proposed coding systems p.13
 1.2.1 Overview of the Lossless Wavelet Transform (LWT) + Lossless Multi-channel Prediction (LMP) p.14
 1.2.2 Overview of the LWT + Lossless/Lossy Multi-channel Prediction (LLMP) p.15
 1.2.3 Overview of a bit-rate adaptive coding system based on Lossless DCT (L-DCT) p.15
1.3 Outline of the dissertation p.17

2.Basic Concepts of the Lossless-Lossy Image Compression p.19
2.1 Basic concepts of rounding operation and quantization p.19
 2.1.1 A basic concept of rounding operation p.19
 2.1.2 A basic concept of quantization p.20
2.2 The LWT and its equivalent expression p.22
 2.2.1 Signal processing of the LWT p.22
 2.2.2 An equivalent expression of the LWT p.24
2.3 The Lossless DCT (L-DCT) and its equivalent expression p.25
 2.3.1 Signal processing of the L-DCT p.26
 2.3.2 An equivalent expression of the L-DCT p.27
2.4 Basic measurement tools p.28
 2.4.1 The entropy rate p.28
 2.4.2 The peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) p.29
 2.4.3 The rate distortion curve p.29
 2.4.4 The lossy coding gain p.30

3.Lossless Scalable Coding of Images via Lossless Multi-Channel Prediction p.31
3.1 Motivation of this proposal p.31
3.2 Remaining correlation of output of the LWT p.32
 3.2.1 The "2/2" - The simplest LWT p.32
 3.2.2 Advantages of the lowest band signal of the LWT p.34
 3.2.3 High band signals and remaining correlation p.35
3.3 Lossless Multi-Channel Prediction (LMP) p.37
 3.3.1 Signal processing of the LMP p.37
 3.3.2 Lossless coding criterion p.38
 3.3.3 Optimization procedure p.39
3.4 Simulation results p.40
3.5 Summary of this proposal p.45

4.Integrated Lossy and Lossless Image Coding Based on Lossless Wavelet Transform and Lossy-Lossless Multi-Channel Prediction p.46
4.1 Motivation of this proposal p.46
4.2 Quantization error effect and local decoding p.48
4.3 Lossy-Lossless Multi-Channel Prediction (LLMP) p.48
 4.3.1 Analysis filter of the LLMP p.48
 4.3.2 Synthesis filter of the LLMP p.53
 4.3.3 Optimization in lossless mode p.55
 4.3.4 Optimization in lossy mode p.55
 4.3.5 Conclusion of encoding procedure in the LLMP p.57
 4.3.6 Conclusion of decoding procedure in the LLMP p.58
4.4 Simulation results p.58
 4.4.1 Signal processing in the LLMP for simulation p.58
 4.4.2 Simulation results for lossless coding p.59
 4.4.3 Simulation results for lossy coding p.60
 4.4.4 Filter characteristics of LWT + LLMP p.65
4.5 Summary of this proposal p.66

5. A Bit-rate Adaptive Coding System Based on Lossless DCT p.67
5.1 Motivation of this proposal p.67
5.2 The proposed bit-rate adaptive coding system p.70
 5.2.1 "Lossless" mode p.70
 5.2.2 "Lossy" mode p.70
 5.2.3 "Near-lossless" mode p.70
5.3 Theoretical analysis p.71
 5.3.1 Rate distortion curve of the PCM-based coding systems p.71
 5.3.2 Rate distortion curve of the L-DCT-based coding systems with Quantization in transform domain (Lossy mode) p.72
 5.3.3 Rate distortion curve of the L-DCT-based coding systems with Quantization in spatial domain (Near-Lossless mode) p.75
 5.3.4 Theoretical estimation of the turning point p.76
5.4 Simulation results p.78
 5.4.1 Effectiveness of our bit-rate adaptive coding system p.78
 5.4.2 Accuracy of our theoretical analysis p.83
5.5 Mathematical proof p.85
 5.5.1 PSNR of both methods in high bit rate p.85
 5.5.2 Slopes of rate distortion curves p.86
 5.5.3 Existence of the turning point p.87
5.6 Summary of this proposal p.88

6. Conclusion of the dissertation p.90

Appendix I p.92

References p.96

List of Publications p.99

Acknowledgements p.101

