
Study on Novel Topologies of Multilevel Single-Phase Current-Source Inverter (マルチレベル単相電流形インバータの新規トポロジーに関する研究)

学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第602号
学位授与の日付 平成23年8月31日
学位論文題目 Study on Novel Topologies of Multilevel Single-Phase Current-Source Inverter (マルチレベル単相電流形インバータの新規トポロジーに関する研究)
 主査 教授 近藤 正示
 副査 教授 大石 潔
 副査 准教授 伊東 淳一
 副査 准教授 宮崎 敏昌
 副査 静岡大学工学部教授 野口 敏彦

平成23(2011)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Abstract p.I
Acknowledgments p.III
Chapter 1 Introduction p.1
 1.1 Reseach Background and Motivation p.1
 1.2 Review of Previous Researches p.6
 1.3 Dissertation Outline and Major Results p.7
 References p.11
Chapter 2 Duality Principle and Its Application to Power Converters p.15
 2.1 Introduction p.15
 2.2 Duality of Basic Two-Level and H-Bride Inverters p.18
 2.3 DC-Power Module and Its Dual Circuit p.23
 2.4 Multilevel Voltage-Source Inverters p.24
 2.4.1 Diode Clamped Multilevel VSI p.25
 2.4.2 Cascaded H-Brige Multilvel VSI p.28
 2.4.3 NPC based Multilevel VSI with Capacitor-Cells p.30
 2.4.4 H-Bridge based Multilevel VSI with Capacitor-Cells p.31
 2.4.5 NPC based Multilevel VSI DC-Power Modules p.33
 2.4.6 H-Bridge based Multilevel VSI with DC-Power Modules p.35
 2.5 Conventional Topologies of Multilevel CSI p.36
 2.6 Proposed Novel Topologies of Multilevel CSI p.40
 2.6.1 Three-Level Common-Emitter CSI p.40
 2.6.2 Common-Emitter based Multilevel CSI with Inductor-Cells p.42
 2.6.3 Common-Emitter based Multilevel CSI with DC-Curent Modules p.43
 2.6.4 H-Bridge based Multilevel CSI with Inductor-Cells p.46
 2.6.5 H-Bridge based Multilevel CSI with DC-Current Modules p.47
 2.7 Conclusion p.52
 References p.53
Chapter 3 Fully Common-Emitter Topology of Three-Level Current-Source Inverter p.55
 3.1 Introduction p.55
 3.2 Circuit Topolgy and Operation Principle p.56
 3.2.1 Chopper Circuits p.57
 3.2.2 Inverter Circuit and Modulation Strategy p.63
 3.3 Computer Simulation Results p.65
 3.4 Experimental Test Results p.67
 3.5 Conclusion p.73
 References p.74
Chapter 4 Novel Topologies of Common-Emitter based Multilevel Current-Source Inverter p.75
 4.1 Introduction p.75
 4.2 Common-Emitter based Multilevel CSI with Inductor-Cells p.77
 4.2.1 Circuit Configuration and Operation Principle p.77
 4.2.2 DC Current Sources p.86
 4.2.3 PWM Technology and Inductor-Cell Control p.86
 4.2.4 Filter Capacitor p.90
 4.2.5 Computer Simulation Results p.91
 4.2.6 Experimental Test Results p.95
 4.3 Common-Emitter based Multilevel CSI with DC-Current Modules p.99
 4.3.1 Circuit Configuration and Operation Principle p.99
 4.3.2 DC Current Source Circuits p.104
 4.3.3 PWM Modulation Strategy p.107
 4.3.4 Computer Simulation Results p.109
 4.3.5 Experimental Test Results p.114
 4.4 Conclusion p.119
 References p.121
Chapter 5 Novel Topologies of H-bridge based Multilvel Current-Source Inverter p.122
 5.1 Introduction p.122
 5.2 H-Bridge based Multilevel CSI with Inductor-Cells p.123
 5.2.1 Circuit Configuration and Operation Principle p.123
 5.2.2 DC Current Source p.128
 5.2.3 PWM Technology and Inductor-Cell Control p.130
 5.2.4 Computer Simulation Results p.131
 5.2.5 Experimental Test Results p.136
 5.3 H-Bridge based Multilevel CSI with DC-Current Modules p.142
 5.3.1 Circuit Configuration and Operation Principle p.142
 5.3.2 DC Current Source Circuits p.149
 5.3.3 Inductor's Conduction Loss p.151
 5.3.4 Chopper Controller and PWM Modulation Strategy p.155
 5.3.5 Computer Simulation Results p.157
 5.3.6 Experimental Test Results p.160
 5.4 Conclusion p.167
 References p.169
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works p.170
Publications p.i

In this dissertation, novel topologies of multilevel single-phase current-source inverter (CSI) with new features are proposed. The dissertation contents are divided into six chapters.
Chapter 1 discusses the introduction and research background of the dissertation.
In Chapter 2, the derivation of new inverter circuits from conventional inverter topologies using the duality principle is explored. Focusing on multilevel inverter topologies, the duality principle is applied to obtain new circuit topologies of multilevel CSI.
In Chapter 3, a new topology of a three-level CSI with fully common-emitter configuration in terms of all switching devices is presented. Using this three-level common-emitter CSI, the number of the isolated gate drive power supplies can dramatically be reduced by using only a single power supply instead of using conventional bootstrap circuits or isolated power supplies.As a result, it can simplify the gate drive circuits of the inverter.
In Chapter 4, new configurations of multilevel CSI developed from the three-level common-emitter inverter are presented. Applying the full-bridge inductor-cells and the three-level common-emitter CSI, a new configuration of multilevel CSI is introduced. The inductor-cell is composed by four unidirectional power switches with an inductor across the cell circuit. The inductor-cells work to generate the intermediate current-levels of multilevel waveform through charging and discharging operation modes of the inductors with no additional external DC power sources. Another new circuit configuration of multilevel CSI obtained by connecting the three-level common-emitter CSI with a single or more two-level common-emitter CSI via connection diodes is proposed. A single two-level common-emitter CSI with connection diodes used in this topology can be regarded as a configuration of two DC-current modules connected in a common-emitter connection. In this new topology, all powerswitching devices of the inverter are connected at a common-emitter configuration. This feature is still valid even the number of the power switches increases due to the higher level number of the output current waveform. Hence, all of the inverter's power switches can be driven by using only a single non-isolated gate drive power supply instead of using isolated power supplies or conventional bootstrap techniques. As a result, complexity of the gate drive circuits can be remarkably moderated.
In Chapter 5, new circuit configurations of multilevel CSI created from the H-bridge inverter is described. In the first strategy, the H-bridge CSI working as a main inverter generates a multilevel current waveform in cooperation with inductor-cells connected in parallel as auxiliary circuits. The need of only a single DC current source is the main feature of this topology. A simple PI controller is applied to regulate the intermediate level currents of the multilevel output waveform. In the second method, an H-bridge CSI is connected with a single or more DC-current modules in order to generate the multilevel current waveform. The DC-current modules work generating the multilevel waveform by superimposing its output current to the H-bridge CSI. Using the proposed topology, the switching power device count, isolated gate drive circuits and inductor's conduction loss can be reduced. In all topologies of multilevel CSI proposed in this dissertation, the chopper circuits with a single DC power source are used to obtain the DC current sources with smoothing inductors. Moreover, the level-shifted multi-carrier sinusoidal PWM technique is applied in order to obtain the PWM current waveform with low harmonics. The proposed new topologies have been tested and verified through computer simulations and laboratory experimental tests.
Finally, Chapter 6 presents some conclusions and possible future works related to this dissertation.

本論文は「Study on Novel Topologies of Multilevel Single-Phase Current-Source Inverter(マルチレベル単相電流形インバータの新規トポロジーに関する研究)」と題し,全6牽から構成されている。
 第5章では,Hブリッジの3レベル電流形インバータに複数のインダクタセルを並列接続したり,DC電流源モジュールを並列接続したりする手法を提案している。いずれの手法でも更なるマルチレベル電流波形を出力することができるが ,特に後者ではより少ないスイッチング素子数でマルチレベル電流波形を生成することができるうえ,マルチレベルの度合を増やすほど高効率な運転を実現できることを明らかにしている。



