
Study on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Membranes Embedded Bispheno Recognition Polymer Spheres(ビスフェノール認識高分子スフェアーを含んだ分子インプリント膜の研究)

学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第606号
学位授与の日付 平成23年12月31日
学位論文題目 Study on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Membranes Embedded Bispheno Recognition Polymer Spheres(ビスフェノール認識高分子スフェアーを含んだ分子インプリント膜の研究)
 主査 教授 小林 高臣
 副査 教授 野坂 芳雄
 副査 准教授 梅田 実
 副査 産学融合特任講師 于 海峰
 副査 長岡工業高等専門学校教授 丸山 一典

平成23(2011)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Chapter 1 General Introduction p.1
 1.1 Molecular imprinting technique p.2
 1.1.1 Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) p.4
 1.1.2 Approaches to molecular imprinting p.5
 1.1.3 Synthetic strategies for MIPs p.9
 1.2 Imprinting target of bisphenol A for its fact and potential risks p.16
 1.3 Outline of the thesis p.19
Chapter 2 Using molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres for hybrid membranes with selective adsorption of bisphenol A derivatives p.31
 2.1 Introduction p.31
 2.2 Experiments p.33
 2.2.1 Materials p.33
 2.2.2 Procedure of polymerization p.34
 2.2.3 Preparation of hybrid MIP membranes p.35
 2.2.4 Batch binding experiments of substrates to MIP particles and HMIP membranes p.37
 2.2.5 Separation with perm-selective binding of BPA through HMIP membranes p.38
 2.3 Results and discussion p.39
 2.3.1 Characterization of MIP spheres p.39
 2.3.2 Characteristics of HMIP membranes involving BPA imprinted spheres p.48
 2.3.3 Separation ability to BPA by HMIP membranes p.54
 2.4 Conclusion p.59
Chapter 3 Core-shell molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres and their applicability to prepare hybrid membranes for bisphenol A separation p.62
 3.1 Introduction p.62
 3.2 Experiments p.65
 3.2.1 Materials p.65
 3.2.2 Preparation of core-shell MIP spheres p.65
 3.2.3 Preparation of imprinted membranes embedded core-shell spheres p.69
 3.2.4 Batch binding experiments p.70
 3.2.5 Perm-selective experiments p.70
 3.3 Results and discussion p.73
 3.3.1 General characteristics of core-shell MIP spheres p.73
 3.3.2 Substrate binding on the core-shell MIP spheres p.79
 3.3.3 Characteristics of imprinted membranes containing core-shell spheres p.82
 3.4 Conclusion p.88
Chapter 4 Hollow-fiber membrane absorbents embedded molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres for bisphenol A target p.93
 4.1 Introduction p.93
 4.2 Experiments p.95
 4.2.1 Materials p.95
 4.2.2 Preparation of core-shell micro MIP spheres p.95
 4.2.3 Preparation of HFHMIP membrane p.96
 4.2.4 Batch binding experiments p.99
 4.2.5 Permselective experiments p.99
 4.2.6 Regeneration of membranes p.101
 4.3 Results and discussion p.102
 4.4 Conclusion p.112
Chapter 5 Summary p.116
List of publications and presentations in conferences and symposiums p.118

Last decades, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been attracted, since their useful applications can be extended into several technical fields. Among such application, tailor-made materials are useful for separation tools. However, few reports of MIP membranes used as absorbents for purposes of bisphenol A (BPA) in its selective separation are found that BPA imprinted membranes have both industrial and scientific impacts. Recognizing the feasibility of MIP membrane, my thesis was about 'Study on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Membranes Embedded Bisphenol Recognition Polymer Spheres (ビスフェノール認識高分子スフェアーを含んだ分子インプリント膜の研究)'. The thesis focuses on novel imprinted membranes targeted for BPA. There are 5 chapters in the thesis as following:
The first chapter is concerned about 'General introduction' for the history, approaches, applications and preparation strategies of molecular imprinting technique.
BPA, the target molecule of the work, is also mentioned on the aspect of potential risks and the necessity to remove. An outline of the thesis is also available in this chapter.
In second chapter, 'Using molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres for hybrid membranes with selective adsorption of bisphenol A derivatives' is mentioned.
Because of the fact that hybrid membranes of polyethersulfone embedding MIP spheres are novel techniques, selective binding targeted for bisphenol derivative compounds are mentioned. The MIP spheres are prepared by high-shear dispersion and modified precipitate polymerization for copolymerization of divinylbenzene (DVB) and bisphenol A dimethacrylate (BADM). Then these MIPs are applied for preparation of imprinted membranes. Hybrid molecularly imprinted polymer (HMIP) membranes are reported in terms of its advantages for alternative introduction of molecule imprint functionality for the selective adsorption of bisphenol A derivatives.
Third chapter is related to 'Core-shell molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres and their applicability to prepare hybrid membranes for bisphenol A separation'. In this chapter, preparation of core-shell molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres for BPA target is mentioned. The synthesis respectively uses DVB and BADM as cross-linker and functional monomer, in a two-step modified precipitate polymerization (TSMPP). The hybrid molecularly imprinted membranes using those MIP spheres appear to be excellent absorbents with high capacity for BPA template.
Fourth chapter presents 'Hollow-fiber membrane absorbents embedded molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres for bisphenol A target'. In this chapter, hollow-fiber hybrid molecularly imprinted polymer membranes embedded BPA imprinted polymeric spheres are prepared using dry-wet spinning technique. It is demonstrated that the separation of BPA and its derivatives can be effectively conducted by perm-selective experiments. With high separation behavior and binding capacity, the resultant imprinted hollow-fiber membranes are excellent absorbents for separation of BPA and its derivatives.
As the final part, the fifth chapter concluded my doctoral thesis. This chapter reviews and summaries whole the work that have done in the thesis.

本論文は、「Study on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Membranes Embedded Bispheno Recognition Polymer Spheres(ビスフェノール認識高分子スフェアーを含んだ分子インプリント膜の研究)」と題し、新規分子インプリント微粒子の作製とそれらを埋め込んだ分子インプリント膜の分離性能の評価を研究の目的として、5章より構成されている。
第1 章「General Introduction」では、分子インプリントのこれまでの研究経緯を紹介し、ビスフェノールを選択的に分離除去する応用事例と分子インプリント技術の現状などをまとめるとともに、本研究の目的について述べている。
第2 章「Using molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres for hybrid membranes with selective adsorption of bisphenol A derivatives」では、ビスフェノールインプリント微粒子を、ホモジナイザーによる分散重合と、水 - 有機溶媒系の沈殿重合で、ジビニルベンゼン(DVB)とジメタアクリロイルビスフェノール(BADM)に適応し、1μm 以下の球状BPA インプリント微粒子を得ている。特に水 - アセトン系で50nm 程度の真球状のインプリント微粒子となる事を見出している。これらをポリエーテルスルホン( PES )に湿式キャスト法で埋め込む方法でインプリント膜の特性について、添加したインプリント微粒子の効果より調べ、60 wt%程度の高充填でも分離膜を調整でき、水 - アセトン系から調整したインプリント微粒子を埋め込んだ分離膜は、従来法に比べ高い効率でビスフェノールを分離できる事を示している。
第3 章「Core-shell molecularly imprinted polymeric spheres and their applicability to prepare hybrid membranes for bisphenol A separation」では、さらにインプリントの効率を高めるために、微細粒子表面のみに分子認識部位を導入したコアシェル型分子インプリント微粒子の作製と、それらを埋め込んだ平膜の分離挙動を検討している。DVB のコアを用い、水 - アセトン溶媒中の沈殿重合を行ない、その後、BADM の重合を微粒子表面にて実施する事でコアシェル型の球状微粒子を得る事に成功している。ビスフェノールA を加水分解除去後に、PES 内に10%の低含有率でも前述した方法に比べて、高い吸着保持容量と分離効率を発現できる事を述べている。
第4章の「Hollow-fiber membrane absorbents embedded molecularly imprinted poly meric spheres for bisphenol A target」においては、BPA インプリントコアシェル微粒子 をPES の中空糸膜に担持した分離膜の作製とその特性について述べている。Dry-wet spin ning技術によりBPA 微粒子を担持した中空糸膜の作製法を始めて確立し、得られた膜はコンパクトで、かつ効率の高い分離機能を発現できる事を述べている。



