
FPGA based Quick and Fine Velocity and Acceleration Estimation Method for Motion Control (モーションコントロールのためのFPGAを用いた高速高性能な加速度と速度の推定法)

学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第632号
学位授与の日付 平成24年8月31日
学位論文題目 FPGA based Quick and Fine Velocity and Acceleration Estimation Method for Motion Control (モーションコントロールのためのFPGAを用いた高速高性能な加速度と速度の推定法)
 主査 教授 大石 潔
 副査 教授 近藤 正示
 副査 准教授 伊東 淳一
 副査 准教授 宮崎 敏昌
 副査 慶應義塾大学 理工学部システムデザイン工学科 准教授 桂 誠一郎

平成24(2012)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Table of Contents page
Title page p.i
Table of Contents p.iii
List of Figures p.v
List of Tables p.ix
Acknowledgements p.xi
Chapter 1: Introduction p.1
 1.1 Programming Platform for Control Algorithms p.1
 1.1.1 Systems Based on RT Linux p.2
 1.1.2 Systems Based on DSP p.2
 1.2 Computation Delay and Sampling Effects p.4
 1.2.1 Quantization Error p.5
 1.2.2 Derivative Calculation p.6
 1.3 Motion Control Technology p.7
 1.3.1 Robust Acceleration Control System p.8
 1.3.2 Disturbance Observer p.9
 1.4 Conventional Velocity Estimation Methods p.11
 1.4.1 M method (based on fixed time) p.11
 1.4.2 T Method (based on fixed distance) p.12
 1.5 Hybrid Velocity Estimation using Fixed Time and Fixed Distance p.13
 1.5.1 M/T Method p.13
 1.5.2 S Method p.15
 1.6 Motivation p.16
 1.7 Outline of the Thesis p.18
Chapter 2: FPGA Implementation of Velocity Estimation for Advanced Motion Control p.21
 2.1 Introduction p.21
 2.2 N Velocity Estimation Method p.23
 2.2.1 Selection of mv Value p.24
 2.2.2 Velocity Estimation plus Digital Filter p.29
 2.2.3 FPGA Implementation of Velocity Estimation p.29
 2.2.4 Simulation Using Analytical Sine Wave p.31
 2.3 Simulation and Experiment Constant Velocity p.32
 2.4 Experimental Results p.35
 2.4.1 Velocity Control Based on N Velocity Estimation Method p.36
 2.4.2 FPGA Programming p.37
 2.5 Conclusions p.42
Chapter 3: Enhancing Force Sensation for Bilateral Control using N Velocity Estimation Method p.47
 3.1 Introduction p.47
 3.2 Disturbance Observer Based on N Velocity Estimation Method p.52
 3.3 Friction Compensation p.55
 3.4 Bilateral Control Design p.55
 3.4.1 Modeling Contact Motion and Free Motion Condition p.56
 3.5 Experimental Results p.60
 3.6 Conclusions p.65
Chapter 4: Improving Bilateral Control Feedback by Using Velocity and Acceleration Estimation Methods with FPGA p.71
 4.1 Acceleration Estimation Method p.71
 4.1.1 Selection of ma Value p.72
 4.1.2 Acceleration Estimation plus Digital Filter p.73
 4.1.3 FPGA Implementation of Velocity Estimation p.73
 4.1.4 Simulation Using Analytical Sine Wave p.73
 4.2 Conventional Structure Feedback on Bilateral Control p.75
 4.3 PVA Feed back for Bilateral Control p.79
 4.4 Implementation of Bilateral Control System on FPGA p.81
 4.5 Experimental Results p.83
 4.6 Conclusions p.94
Chapter 5: Summary of the Dissertation p.95
 5.1 Conclusions p.97
 5.2 Future Works p.99
Bibliography p.101
List of Achievements p.109
FPGA Technology p.111
 A.1 Fixed Point vs. Floating Point p.111
 A.2 CORDIC Algorithm p.114
 A.3 Low Pass Filter Implementation p.116

In many control applications the processing speed is fundamental, specifically, when the bandwidth is high. In recent years, controllers based on the FPGA have shown an acceptable level of performance because of the processing speed. The short sampling time has led to an increase in the accuracy, efficiency, and calculation speed of FPGA algorithms. Thus, the algorithms have low delay, similar to continuous-time algorithms.
Motor velocity is used as a variable in motion control systems. However, velocity sensors are not used widely in these systems, and hence, the velocity must be estimated by some other method.
Therefore this research has proposed a new velocity and acceleration estimation methods that can be used in motion control systems based on FPGA. The new velocity estimation method (N method) can be executed at fast sampling rates, and thus increase the accuracy. In addition, the new velocity estimation method has been used as part of the disturbance observer.
As a result, the disturbance observer can estimate a reaction torque more accurately. The N method has achieved a good response at low and high velocities. In addition, velocities less than 1 rad/sec the high performance still remains. The short sampling time in the FPGA is used to execute the velocity calculation with more detail than the conventional methods. The N method has been performed only with a position subtraction and that was obtained in rad/sec. With the velocity control experiment, it is confirmed that the N method has a high performance of the velocity response with the disturbance torque compensation by using the disturbance observer. As evidence of the effectiveness of the N method, a bilateral control based on disturbance observer has been implemented. The purpose is to enhance the transparency by using the N velocity estimation method and shortening sampling period to 0.5μs. Two ball-screw mechanisms are connected in a master-slave configuration to test a new proposed structure. The control strategy of common and differential mode space is programmed into the FPGA. A hybrid position, velocity and force in the acceleration dimension based on the disturbance observer can be divided into two modes: common and differential modes. The position and velocity are controlled in differential mode space, whereas the force is controlled in common mode space. As results, the torque reaction is faster and larger if we use the N velocity estimation method. Shortening the processing time is possible to use filters with less delay. The result of the short processing time can produces a phase lag reduction. Also, the implementation of the friction compensation has been effective in enhancing transparency. The operation of the mechanism with friction occurred smoothly and with greater sensitivity.
Finally, a bilateral control based on disturbance observer with position, velocity and acceleration feedback has been implemented. The target is to improve the feedback in comparison with the conventional bilateral control feedback. By using the velocity and acceleration estimation methods based on the same reasoning, the proposed structure demonstrates the feasibility of using position, velocity and acceleration (PVA) feedback to improve the performance of bilateral control. The experimental results demonstrated that the combination of position, velocity and acceleration as feedback is better than conventional feedback. Also, the suitability of implementing the velocity and acceleration estimation methods in FPGA using a short processing time has been confirmed.

本論文は,「FPGA based Quick and Fine Velocity and Acceleration Estimation for Motion Control (モーションコントロールのためのFPGAを用いた高速高性能な加速度と速度の推定法) 」と題し,5章より構成されている。
第2章「高度モーションコントロールのための速度推定法のFPGA実装」では,本論文の主題である新しい速度推定方法(以後Nメソッドと呼ぶ)の設計およびその実装方法について提案する。計算機シミュレーション結果,実験結果によりその有効性を示している。 Nメソッドは,位置の差の計算のみで速度演算ができることに大きな利点を有している。また,Nメソッドを用いることで,マイクロ秒以下のような高速サンプリング周期での実用的な速度演算が可能となり,速度計算精度の向上を可能となる。本章では,提案する新しい速度推定方法を,ロバスト加速度制御にどのように実装法も提案している。速度制御の実験を行い,提案手法と従来手法の性能を比較して,提案手法の有効性を確認している。



