
Development of high-rate anaerobic granular sludge bed process for low strength wastewater treatment at low temperature (嫌気性グラニュール汚泥床法による低濃度・低温廃水の高速処理プロセスの開発)

氏名 Wilasinee Yoochatchaval
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 甲第487号
学位授与の日付 平成20年9月30日
学位論文題目 Development of high-rate anaerobic granular sludge bed process for low strength wastewater treatment at low temperature (嫌気性グラニュール汚泥床法による低濃度・低温廃水の高速処理プロセスの開発)
 主査 准教授 小松 俊哉
 副査 教授 松下 和正
 副査 准教授 山口 隆司
 副査 独立行政法人国立環境研究所 水土壌圏環境研究領域 主任研究員 珠坪 一晃
 副査 東北大学大学院工学研究科 土木工学専攻教授 原田 秀樹

平成20(2008)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Chapter 1 Introduction p.1
 Introduction p.1
 Overview of anaerobic treatment technologies p.1
Chapter 2 Literature review p.8
 2.1 Introduction p.8
 2.2 Anaeribic bioconversion p.9
 2.3 Factors controlling anaerobic bioconversion p.12
 2.3.1 Temperature p.12
 2.3.2 Sludge Retention Time p.15
 2.3.3 pH p.15
 2.3.4 Thermodynamic favorable p.16
 2.3.5 Oxdation reduction potential p.19
 2.3.6 Compentition of methanogens with sulfate-reducing bacteria p.21
 2.3.7 Toxicants p.22
 2.4 High rate system p.22
 2.4.1 Cell growth p.23
 2.4.2 Substrate Limited Grows p.23
 2.5 Microbial populations in anaerobic granules p.25
 2.6 Biofilm reactor p.27
 2.6.1 Granular-based reactor technologies p.28
 2.6.2 Current applications of granular-sludge based treatment systems p.28
 2.7 Low strength wasterwater p.34
 2.7.1 Problem statement of anaerobic treatment technology for low strength wastewater and low temperature p.34
 2.7.2 Development of anaerobic sludge bed for low strength wastewater treatment technology p.35
Chapter 3 Changes of physical and microbial characteristics of granular sludge in an EGSB reactor for treating low strength wastewater at 20℃ p.50
 3.1 Introduction p.51
 3.2 Materials and methods p.52
 3.2.1 Experimental set-up p.52
 3.2.2 Sampling p.54
 3.2.3 Analyses p.54
 3.2.4 Methanogenic activity determination p.54
 3.3 Results and discussions p.55
 3.3.1 Reactor performance p.55
 3.3.2 Changes in physical properties of retained sludge p.57
 3.3.3 Methanogenic activities of retained sludge p.61
 3.3.4 Effect of upflow velocity on the COD profile p.66
 3.3.5 SEM observation of retained sludge p.67
 3.4 Conclusion p.68
Chapter 4 Influence of temperature decrease on the process performance and the microbial characteristics of granular sludge in an EGSB reactor p.72
 4.1 Introduction p.73
 4.2 Materials and methods p.74
 4.2.1 Experimental conditions p.74
 4.2.2 Analyses p.75
 4.2.3 Methanogenic activity measurement p.75
 4.2.4 Analysis of microbial community structure p.76
 4.3 Results and discussions p.76
 4.3.1 Process performance p.76
 4.3.2 Physical properties of retained sludge p.78
 4.3.3 Methanogenic activity of retained sludge p.80
 4.3.4 Microbial community structure changes p.82
 4.4 Conclusion p.85
Chapter 5 Infulence of effluent-recirculation condition on the process performance of expanded granular sludge bed reactor for treating low strength wastewater p.90
 5.1 Introduction p.91
 5.2 Materials and methods p.92
 5.2.1 Experimental set-up p.92
 5.2.2 Sampling and analysis p.94
 5.2.3 COD profile determination p.94
 5.2.4 Assay of methanogenic activity p.94
 5.3 Results and discussions p.95
 5.3.1 Process performance p.95
 5.3.2 Physical properties of retained sludge p.100
 5.3.3 Methane producing activity of the retained sludge p.101
 5.3.4 Batch Feed Experiment p.102
 5.4 Conclusion p.104
Chapte 6 Influence of feed composition change on the physical and microbial properties of granular sludge in IR-GSB reactor p.107
 6.1 Introduction p.108
 6.2 Materials and methods p.108
 6.2.1 Experimental set-up p.108
 6.2.2 Sampling p.110
 6.2.3 Analysis p.110
 6.2.4 Methanogenic activity determination p.111
 6.3 Results and discussion p.111
 6.3.1 Process performance & physical properties p.111
 6.3.2 Growth yield and decay rate of retained sludge p.113
 6.3.3 Mean diameter and size distribution of retained sludge p.113
 6.3.4 Scanning Electron Micrographs(SEM) p.118
 6.3.5 Microbial properties p.123
 6.4 Conclusion p.125
Chapter 7 Summary and Conclusion p.127
 7.1 The feasibility study on an EGSB reactor for low-strength wastewater treatment (Chapter3) p.127
 7.2 Temperature limitation for the EGSB reactor (Chapter 4) p.127
 7.3 Substrate concentration limitation on the EGSB reactor(Chapter 5) p.129
 7.4 Effect of feed composition (sucrose content) on the process performance and microbial properties of granular sludge in granular sludge bed reactor (Chapter 6) p.130
 7.5 Few recommendations for the future research p.131
List of Publication p.132

In order to develop the appropriate methane fermentation technology for the low strength wastewater at low temperature, the feasibility of granular sludge bed reactor seeding with anaerobic biofilm (granular sludge) was investigated. Also, the influence of temperature, feed concentration and feed composition on the treatment efficiency of wastewater and characteristic of retained sludge had been studied.

Chapter 1 of this thesis is an introduction, related to the knowledge of anaerobic wastewater treatment technology and some problem statements on the low strength wastewater treatment at low temperature. Also, this chapter explains the objectives and overview of this thesis.

Chapter 2 is the review of literature on the advantage and disadvantage of anaerobic wastewater treatment technology, high-rate biofilm system and current application of anaerobic treatment technology for low strength wastewater at ambient temperature.

In chapter 3, the feasibility of expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for low strength wastewater at low temperature was investigated. The EGSB reactor seeding with mesophilically(35°C) grown granular sludge exhibits good process performance for the treatment of low-strength wastewater (0.6-0.8 g COD/L) at 20°C. During the operation of EGSB reactor, physical properties and SRT of retained sludge were maintained sufficiently. The growth yield of granular sludge developed at 20°C is apparently higher than mesophilic and thermophilic granular sludge. The good maintenance of sludge retention by seeding of granular sludge in the EGSB reactor offers the sufficient process performance for wastewater treatment under less than optimal condition.

Chapter 4 described the influence of a temperature-decrease on the process characteristic (performance on treatment, properties of granular sludge) of the EGSB reactor. The EGSB reactor showed a sufficient process performance operated at 15°C and 10°C. In this experiment, a significant increase in methanogenic activity of the retained sludge between test temperatures of 15°C to 20°C was confirmed at the operational temperature of 10°C. We found a strong relationship between a large increment of hydrogen-fed activity at low temperature and proliferation of psychrotorelant Methanospirillum in the retained sludge. These microbial adaptations of granular sludge contribute to the superior process performance of the EGSB reactor. On the other hand, 5°C operation caused the serious deteriorations of both process performance and microbial properties of retained sludge.

In chapter 5, the effect of low organic concentration of wastewater on the process performance had been studied. Effluent recirculation in EGSB reactor causes the low concentration of COD strength in the sludge bed, resulted to the inactivation of biomass. New operation mode was proposed in this chapter. The combination of UASB and EGSB mode, together with low ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) control of influent is possible to activate the biomass. In this operation mode, the COD removal efficiency increase up to 91%. Additionally, physical properties of the retained sludge were well maintained in this operation mode.

Chapter 6 is the investigation of influence of feed composition (sucrose content) on the physical & microbial properties of retained sludge. Two lab-scale granular sludge bed reactors were operated at 20°C. The amount of sucrose-COD in the feed was set to 90% and 0% (VFA 90%) respectively. Increase of sucrose content of feed enhanced the growth of filamentous acid forming bacteria on the surface portion of granular sludge. Consequently, sludge retainment of the sucrose-fed reactor became difficult. The formation of surface layer consisted of acid-forming bacteria prohibited the gas-detachment from granular sludge, it causes of unstable process performance. On the other hand, in VFA-fed reactor, physical property of granular sludge maintained well.

Chapter 7 summarizes the conclusion of the present study and future works. The granular sludge bed reactor is possible to apply for the treatment of low strength wastewater (0.25-0.8 g COD/L) at low temperature (until 10oC) by optimization of effluent recirculation with control of influent ORP.

 第7章では、本論文の結果のまとめおよび、今後の発展について述べている。グラニュール汚泥床リアクターは、処理水温10℃までの低温条件下でも、流入水の酸化還元電位を制御することと適切な処理水循環を行うことで、0.25-0.8 g COD/Lの低濃度廃水の高速処理に適応可能であることをまとめている。



