
A Study of PWM inverter-fed AC drives based on the space vector theory


氏名 小笠原 悟司
学位の種類 工学博士
学位記番号 博乙第9号
学位授与の日付 平成2年3月26日
学位論文の題目 A Study of PWM Inverter-Fed AC Drives Based on the Space Vector Theory(空間ベクトル理論に基づくPWMインバータ給電交流機駆動に関する研究)
 主査 教授 難波江 章
 副査 教授 石崎 彰
 副査 教授 高橋 勲
 副査 助教授 赤木 泰文
 副査 東京大学 教授 原島 文雄

平成元(1988)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Preface p.iii
Acknowledgements p.v
1.Introduction p.1
1-1 Background p.1
1-2 Aim of This Thesis p.3
2.Space Vectors in Three-Phase Circuits p.5
2-1 Instantaneous Current Vectors p.5
2-1-1 Definition of new coordinate system p.8
2-1-2 Nature of the coordinate transformation p.13
2-2 Instantaneous Voltage Vectors p.15
2-3 d-q Transformation and Derivative of Vectors p.17
2-4 Voltage-Current Vector Equation of AC Machines p.19
2-5 Instantaneous Torque Equation of AC Machine p.22
3.A Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Servo System with Field-Weakening Control p.24
3-1 Introduction p.24
3-2 Field-Weakening Control p.25
3-2-1 Voltage-Current Equation p.25
3-2-2 Control Scheme p.27
3-3 Novel Current Controlled PWM Inverter p.29
3-4 AC Serve System p.34
3-5 Armature Flux Linkage and Experimental Results p.35
3-6 Conclusions p.39
4.A Compensation Scheme for Torque Transfer Function of Self-Controlled Synchronous Machines p.40
4-1 Introduction p.40
4-2 Equivalence between SM and DCM p.42
4-3 Control Scheme p.46
4-3-1 Total Flux Linkage of Armature Windings p.46
4-3-2 Compensation for Torque Transfer Function p.48
4-4 Discussion of Damper Windings p.51
4-5 Experimental Results p.53
4-6 Conclusions p.61
5.The Generalized Theory of Indirect Vector Control for AC Machines p.62
5-1 Introduction p.63
5-2 Mathematical Model of AC Machine p.65
5-3 Control Theory p.69
5-3-1 Control of Instantaneous Torque p.69
5-3-2 Control of Field Current p.71
5-3-3 Control Circuit p.72
5-4 Analysis of Nonsalient-Pole AC Machines p.74
5-4-1 Analysis of Induction Machine Operation in Steady States p.74
5-4-2 Analysis of Synchronous Machines in Asynchronous Operation (Constant Instantaneous Torque Operation) p.75
5-5 System Configuration and Experimental Results p.79
5-6 Conclusions p.84
6.A Current-Controlled Voltage-Source PWM Inverters Providing both Low Harmonics and Quick Current Response p.86
6-1 Introduction p.86
6-2 Principle of Control Strategy p.87
6-3 Control Scheme to Suppress Harmonic Current p.91
6-3-1 Selection of Switching Mode p.91
6-3-2 Detection of the Region to which e Belongs p.94
6-4 Switching-Over to Quick Response Control Scheme p.95
6-5 System Configuration p.97
6-6 Experimental Results p.98
6-6-1 Steady State p.98
6-6-2 Transient States p.102
6-7 Conclusions p.102
7.A Current Control Scheme for Parallel-Connected Voltage-Source PWM Inverters p.104
7-1 Introduction p.104
7-2 Principle of Control Strategy p.106
7-3 Analysis of Parallel Inverters p.108
7-4 Selection of a Switching Mode to Suppress Harmonic Currents p.114
7-4-1 Selection of a Voltage Vectorυ(κ) p.114
7-4-2 Selection of a Switching Pattern p.116
7-4-3 Detection of the Region to which e Belongs p.117
7-5 Switchover to the Control Scheme Providing Quick Current Response p.119
7-6 System Configuration p.119
7-7 Experimental Results p.122
7-7-1 Steady State p.122
7-7-2 Transient States p.124
7-8 Conclusion p.124
8.An Asynchronous PWM Voltage-Source Inverter Selecting Optimal Switching Sequence p.128
8-1 Introduction p.128
8-2 Definition of Space Vectors p.129
8-3 Maximum output Voltage of PWM Inverters p.133
8-4 Fundamental and Harmonic Circuits p.134
8-5 Analysis of Harmonic Currents p.136
8-6 A Novel PWM Scheme p.142
8-7 Design of a PWM Controller p.146
8-8 Conclusion p.150
9.Conclusion p.153
9-1 Space Vector Theory p.153
9-2 Indirect Vector Control p.154
9-3 Current-Controlled PWM Inverters p.155
9-4 PWM Scheme of Voltage Source Inverters p.156
9-5 Future Prospect p.156
Bibliography p.164
List of Tables
2-1 Application scope of the space vectors. p.17
3-1 The PM machine paramenters. p.36
5-1 Machine constants. p.81
6-1 Relationships between v(k) and (Su,Sv,Sw) p.88
6-2 Selection of switching mode to suppress harmonic current. p.93
6-3 Detection of e. p.96
6-4 Selection of switching mode (quick current response system). p.96
6-5 Rating of permanent magnet synchronous motor. p.99
7-1 Relationships between switching pattern and k. p.109
7-2 Relationships between switching pattern and cross current vector. p.111
7-3 Relationships between switching pattern and zero sequence current. p.113
7-4 Detection of e. p.118
7-5 Rating of Permanent magnet synchronous motor. p.122
8-1 Calculationg conditions. p.141
8-2 Simulation conditions. p.146
List of Figures
2-1 3-phase loads. p.6
2-2 Space of current vectors. p.7
2-3 Current vector plane of non-grounded loads. p.8
2-4 Definition of iα axis. p.9
2-5 Definition of iβ axis. p.11
2-6 New 2-D coordinate system. p.12
2-7 Definition of voltage vectors. p.15
2-8 d-q transformation. p.18
2-9 An example of ac machine. p.20
3-1 The plaser diagram of a PM motor. p.27
3-2 The rotor structure of a PM motor. p.28
3-3 A locus of the armature current phaser at the maximum output. p.28
3-4 The characteristic of field weakening. p.29
3-5 Conventional current controller. p.30
3-6 The current control circuit. p.31
3-7 The relationship between Δi and fsw. p.32
3-8 Current response and spectrum. p.33
3-9 The block diagram of the experimental system. p.34
3-10 Vaq-iad curve. p.36
3-11 The no-load characteristic. p.37
3-12 The transient responses. p.38
4-1 Slip-ring type motor. p.43
4-2 Commutator type motor. p.44
4-3 Vector diagram under steady-state condition. p.47
4-4 Vector diagram under transient state conditions. p.49
4-5 Proposed control system with compensation. p.51
4-6 No-load saturation curve and short-circuit current curve. p.54
4-7 Control circuit. p.55
4-8 Flowchart of program. p.57
4-9 Four-quadrant operation with field-weakening control. p.58
4-10 Step variation of velocity command. p.59
4-11 Step variation of load torque. p.60
5-1 Feedforward vector control. p.63
5-2 Feedback vector control. p.64
5-3 Synchronous machine with damper windings. p.66
5-4 Block diagram of synchronous machines. p.70
5-5 Control circuit. p.73
5-6 ws-iaT characterstic. p.76
5-7 Steady-state vector diagram. p.77
5-8 Analytical result. p.78
5-9 Experimental result. p.79
5-10 System Configuration. p.80
5-11 Synchronous machine operation. p.82
5-12 Induction machine operation. p.83
5-13 Transient characteristic. p.84
6-1 Voltage source inverter circuit. p.87
6-2 Output voltage vectors. p.89
6-3 Current deviation vector and that derivatives. p.90
6-4 Principle of current control. p.91
6-5 Region of current deviation vector(I,III,V) p.92
6-6 Region of current deviation vector(II,IV,VI) p.93
6-7 Switching frequency feedback circuit. p.94
6-8 Hexagon to switching over two states. p.97
6-9 Control circuit configuration. p.98
6-10 Experimental ac servo system. p.99
6-11 Comparison of harmonic current in steady state. p.100
6-12 Comparison of noise levels. p.101
6-13 Transient response characteristic. p.103
7-1 A load of a voltage source inverter. p.106
7-2 Parallel voltage source inverter.(dual voltage sources) p.108
7-3 Output voltage vectors of the parallel inverter. p.110
7-4 Definition of axes. p.112
7-5 Case of single voltage source. p.112
7-6 Selection of voltage vector(k1,k2,k3) p.115
7-7 Selection of voltage vector(k4,k5,k6) p.115
7-8 Cross current plane. p.116
7-9 Detection of e. p.118
7-10 Current controller to suppress harmonic surrent. p.119
7-11 System configuration of proposed current controller. p.120
7-12 Configuration of experimental system. p.121
7-13 Experimental waveforms in steady states. p.123
7-14 Waveform of line-to-line output voltage. p.124
7-15 Transient responses. p.125
7-16 Transient responses. p.126
8-1 Voltage source inverter which drives an induction machine. p.129
8-2 Definition of current vectors. p.130
8-3 Definition of voltage vectors. p.131
8-4 Inverter output voltage vectors defined by eq.(8-3) p.132
8-5 Maximum output voltages. p.133
8-6 Inverter output voltage vectors and 6 sectors. p.136
8-7 Loci of harmonic current vector and switching patterns. p.139
8-8 In case of...0137310...(optimized) p.140
8-9 In case of conventional PWM scheme. p.141
8-10 In case of...0137310...(ζ0/ζ0+ζγ=1/2) p.142
8-11 In case of...01310... p.143
8-12 In case of...13731... p.143
8-13 Combination of Figs.10,11,and 12. p.144
8-14 Square of average harmonic surrent. p.145
8-15 Simulation results of conventional PWM scheme. p.147
8-16 Simulation results of novel PWM scheme. p.148
8-17 Hardware part of the PWM modulator. p.149
8-18 Experimental results of conventional PWM scheme. p.151
8-19 Experimental results of novel PWM scheme. p.152



