
Fabrication of oxide nano-rod array structure via internal oxidation of Ni(Al) solid solution(Ni(Al) 固溶体の内部酸化による酸化物ナノロッドアレイの作製)

学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第598号
学位授与の日付 平成23年8月31日
学位論文題目 Fabrication of oxide nano-rod array structure via internal oxidation of Ni(Al) solid solution(Ni(Al) 固溶体の内部酸化による酸化物ナノロッドアレイの作製)
 主査 准教授 南口 誠
 副査 教授 福澤 康
 副査 教授 鎌土 重晴
 副査 准教授 武田 雅敏
 副査 産学融合特任准教授 松丸 幸司

平成23(2011)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Table of Contents

Abstract p.I
List of Tables p.III
List of Figures p.IV
Glossary of symbol p.VII
Table of Contents p.IX
Chapter1 Introduction
 1.1 Nanoscale p.1
 1.2 Nanomaterials and nNanotechnology p.3
 1.3 Nanorod Array Structure p.4
 1.4 Internal Oxidation p.8
 1.4.1 Introduction p.8
 1.4.2 Kinetics of Internal Oxidation p.10
 1.4.3 Internal Oxidation of Ni(Al) Solid Solution p.12
 1.5 Pack Cementation Process p.14
 1.5.1 Pack Cementation Process p.14
 1.5.2 The Pack Cementation on Pure Nickel p.17
 1.6 Scope of the thesis p.18
Chapter2 Fabrication of Ni(Al) Solid Solution by Pack Cementation p.20
 2.1 Introduction p.20
 2.2 Design Model p.20
 2.3 Experimental Procedure p.24
 2.4 Results p.26
 2.5 Discussion p.30
 2.6 Conclusions p.33
Chapter3 Kinetic Analysis of Internal Oxidation of Ni(Al) Solid Solution Zone Prepares by Pack Cementation p.34
 3.1 Introduction p.34
 3.2 Analysis Model p.35
 3.3 Experimental Procedure p.38
 3.4 Experimental Results p.40
 3.5 Discussion p.44
 3.6 Conclusions p.46
Chapter4 Spheroidization of Oxide Nano-rods in IOZ of Ni(Al) solid solution p.47
 4.1 Introduction p.47
 4.2 Experimental Procedure p.48
 4.3 Results p.48
 4.4 Discussion p.53
 4.5 Conclusions p.56
Chapter5 Fabrication of Nano-rod Array Structure by Pack Cementation and Internal Oxidation on Nickel p.57
 5.1 Introduction p.57
 5.2 Experimental Procedure p.58
 5.3 Results p.59
 5.4 Conclusions p.68
Chapter6 Oxide Nano-rod Array Structure via Internal Oxidation Process on M/(Al) Solid Solution (M:Ni,Co,Fe) p.69
 6.1 Introduction p.69
 6.2 Analysis p.70
 6.3 Experimental Procedure p.71
 6.4 Results p.72
 6.5 Conclusions p.79
Chapter7 Conclusion p.80
Acknowledgements p.83
References p.85
Research activities p.95
List of papers p.95
List of International Conferences p.96
List of Domestic Conferences p.97
Awards p.98

The internal oxidation process is applied to Ni(Al) solid solution (referred to as Ni(Al)ss) to produce oxide nano-rod array structure. The oxide nano-rods produced by the internal oxidation method consist of Al2O3 or NiAl2O4. These nano-rod arrays have high holding strength with the substrate. The internal oxidation method does not require expensive equipments. However, the size and shape of Ni(Al)ss are limited because Ni(Al)ss is not a commercial alloy. In order to overcome the limitation, a process to produce nano-rod arrays should be designed to produce Ni(Al)ss with various shapes.
Pack cementation is used to produce intermetalic compound layers on surface for corrosion or oxidation resistance. To develop Ni(Al)ss, Ni3Al powder was used for pack cementation to aluminize Ni substrates.In the pack cementation, dissolved Al in Ni3Al reacts with activator NaCl to form AlCl gas. The AlCl gas comes to the Ni surface and Al is dissolved into Ni substrates.
The internal oxidation process is applied on aluminized Ni(Al)ss to form oxide precipitates in internal oxidation zone (IOZ). These precipitates are in rod-like shape, submicron in diameter and perpendicular with the surface. In homogeneous Ni(Al)ss, the depth of the internal oxidation zone, XIoz, is a parabolic function of oxidation time, tIo. In the case of Ni(Al)ss prepared by pack cementation, the Al concentration is a function of the depth from the surface. The difference in concentration distribution of Al in Ni(Al)ss leads the difference of kinetics of internal oxidation. The relationship between the depth of IOZ and time does not follow the parabolic function. As the Al concentration decrease, the growth rate of kinetics increased. In this study, a kinetic model for internal oxidation of aluminized Ni(Al)ss was successful established to optimize oxidation conditions to produce nano-rod arrays.
IOZ of Ni(Al)ss includes not only rod-like shape precipitates but also many granular particles beneath the surface. The zone with granular precipitates, GZ, grows linearly with oxidation time. According to the Nichol and Mullin theory, the mass transfer occurred at the interface between rod-like precipitate and Ni matrix. Rod precipitates were broken into the granular precipitates. The interface diffusivity at Ni/Al203 was estimated from the growth rate of GZ. The value of the interface diffusivity can be regarded as Al diffusivity in comparison with oxygen diffusivity at the interface.
The designed process is applied on various Ni components such as rods, wires, plates, tubes, strings and channels. The nano-rod array structure can be successfully obtained on these surfaces. The oxide nano-rod array structure can be developed on. various shapes by pack cementation and internal oxidation.
Other alloys such as Co(Al)ss and Fe(Al)ss are investigated for preparation of nano-rod array by the internal oxidation technique. The nano-rod array structure is developed successfully after internal oxidation and electropolishing process. The oxide nano-rod array structure can be developed on difference kind of solid solutions.

 本論文は、「Fabrication of oxide nano-rod rray structure via internal oxidation of Ni(Al) solid solution (Ni(Al)固溶体の内部酸化による酸化物ナノロッドアレイの作製)」と題し、7章より構成されている。第1章「Introduction」では、ナノ構造体やその作製プロセス,合金の内部酸化やパックセメンテーション,内部酸化を利用したナノロッドアレイ作製法について述べるとともに,本論文の目的について述べている.
 第2章「Fabrication of Ni(Al) Solid Solution by Pack Cementation」では,表面がNi(Al)固溶体とするパックセメンテーション法について述べている.Al渡をNi3Alとすることで純Ni表面にNi(Al)固溶体層を形成することに成功している.また,Ni3Al量により表面Al濃度が制御できることを示している.
 第3章「Kinetic Analysis of Internal Oxidation of Ni(Al) Solid Solution Zone Prepared by Pack Cementation」では,パックセメンテーションにより設けた表面Ni(Al)固溶体の内部酸化を検討している.この表面Ni(Al)固溶体ではAl濃度が均一でないため,従来の内部酸化に関する速度論では酸化挙動が解析できない.ここで新たに内部酸化モデルを構築し,実験結果からモデルの妥当性を評価している.
 第4章「Spheroidization of Oxide Nano-rods in IOZ of Ni(Al) Solid Solution」では,内部酸化により形成する棒状酸化物が粒状化する現象を検討している.粒状化した酸化物はナノロッドアレイとしては不要なのでその形成を抑える必要がある.この粒状化現状がNiとAl2O3の界面エネルギに起因することを見出し,NicholsとMullinsの理論をもとに粒拇財ヒ物を含む領域の成長速度を定量的に評価している.その結果としてNiとAl2O3の界面におけるAlの拡散がその粒状化速度を律達していることを見出している.
 第5章「Fabrication of Nano-rod Array Structure by Pack Cementation and Internal Oxidation on Nickel」では,上記の結果をもとに,実際に様々な形状のNi表面にナノロッドアレイ構造体を形成することに成功している.
 第6章「Oxide Nano-rod Array Structure via Internal Oxidation Process on M/(Al) Solid Solution (M: Ni,Co,Fe)」では,内部酸化によるナノロッドアレイ作製法がCo(Al)固溶体やFe(Al)固溶体にも適用が可能であることを示している.
 第7章「General Conclusions」では論文全体を総括し,パックセメンテーションと内部酸化を組み合わせたナノロッドアレイ構造体作製法のプロセスデザインやその特性について結論付けている.



