
Two-dimensional atomic encoder with picometer resolution (ピコメートル分解能を持つ二次元原子エンコーダ)

学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第619号
学位授与の日付 平成24年3月26日
学位論文題目 Two-dimensional atomic encoder with picometer resolution (ピコメートル分解能を持つ二次元原子エンコーダ)
 主査 教授 明田川 正人
 副査 教授 柳 和久
 副査 教授 田辺 郁男
 副査 准教授 平田 研二
 副査 秋田大学工学資源学部機械工学科准教授 奥山 栄樹

平成23(2011)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

LIST OF Figures p.vii
LIST OF Tables p.viii
LIST OF Abbreviations p.ix
Nomenclature p.x
 1.1 Research Background p.1
 1.1.1 Displacement mesurement p.1
 1.1.2 Two-dimensional (2-D) displacement measurement p.6
 1.1.3 Measutement of spindle radiak motion error p.8
 1.2 Research Objective p.10
 1.3 Report Outline p.11
2 Two-dimensional atomic encoder technique using the multi-probe STM and a regular crystalline lattice (three- and six-point atomic encoder) p.12
 2.1 Introduction p.12
 2.2 measurement Principle p.13
 2.2.1 Three-Point Atomic Encoder Technique p.13
 2.2.2 Six-Point Atomic Encoder Technique p.16
 2.3 Experimental System p.19
 2.4 Experimental Resalts and Discussion p.23
 2.5 Conclusions p.30
3 Two-dimensional atomic encoder technique using two mono-crystalline area (eight-point atomic encoder) p.31
 3.1 Introduction p.31
 3.2 measurement Principle p.32
 3.3 Experimental System p.38
 3.4 Experimental Resalts and Discussion p.42
 3.5 Conclusions p.49
4 Two-dimensional atomic encoder technique using a mono-crystalline area and one dithered STM tip (new six-point atomic encoder) p.50
 4.1 Introduction p.50
 4.2 measurement Principle p.51
 4.3 Experimental System p.56
 4.4 Experimental Resalts and Discussion p.58
 4.5 Conclusions p.66
5 Overall conclusions and further study p.67
A Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Highly Oriented Plyrolytic Graphite Crystal p.70
 A.1 Principle of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) p.70
 A.2 Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Crystal Structure p.73
B Measurement of Spindle Error Motion and Error Separation Techniques p.75
 B.1 Spindle Error Motion Types p.75
 B.2 Reversal Method p.77
 B.3 Multi-Step Method p.78
 B.4 Multi-Probe Method p.78
C Correction of the equations in published papers p.82
 C.1 Three-point Atomic Encoder Technique p.82
 C.2 Six-Point Atomic Encoder Technique p.85
 C.3 Eight-Point Atomic Encoder Technique p.89
 C.4 New Six-Point Atomic Encoder Technique p.95
D An application of the atomic encoder technique for the directmeasurement of spindle radial motion error p.100
 D.1 Introduction p.100
 D.2 measurement Principle p.101
 D.3 Experimental System p.108
 D.4 Preliminary experiment to confirm the possibility of atom observation during spindle rotation p.109
 D.5 Conclusions p.112
References p.126
RefList of Papers and Conferences p.127
Acknowledgements p.131

Since rapid progresses in nanotechnology and ultra-precision engineering, an ultra-precise positioning system for lithography or fabrication process with a measurement resolution of 10 picometer (pm), and a repeatability of sub-nanometer (nm) order will be required in the near future. Therefore, displacement measurement methods with a resolution of 10 order or less is necessary in metrology field.
Currently, the methods to evaluate the displacement with that resolution have been proposed by some researchers. However, they could not perform the measurement of two-dimensional (2-D) displacement. On the other hand, the 2-D displacement measurement techniques have been developed by many researchers for various applications. Many techniques utilize a 2-D artificial grating as a reference scale, and a detecting head to perform the 2-D displacement measurement. However, their measurement resolutions are limited to sub-nm due to the grating pitch.
On the other hand, the applications of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and a regular crystalline lattice can achieve higher resolution. The STM, which can observe images of atoms on a crystal surface, is a popular tool in surface engineering. The lattice spacing of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) is 246 pm, and it is useful for metrology.
In order to achieve a picometer resolution for a 2-D displacement measurement, four methods using multi-tunneling-probes scanning tunneling microscopes (MTP-STM) as detector units and the unit lattice vectors a1 and a2 on an HOPG crystalline surface as references, were proposed. This thesis is organized into five chapters, and four appendixes.

Chapter 1 - This chapter describes the background of this research, research objective and the thesis outline.
Chapter 2 - Two measurement concepts of the three-point and six-point atomic encoder technique were presented in this chapter. In the three-point atomic encoder technique, the STM head, which are set on a sample stage, observe proper three-points on the HOPG crystalline surface on the sample stage. On the other hand, the six-point atomic encoder technique requires one more STM head. Six-current signals collected from six-specific points on the HOPG crystalline surface by two-STM heads allow the use of the interpolation method. Therefore, the measurement resolution less than the lattice spacing of the HOPG crystal is available. Unfortunately, the principle of the six-point atomic encoder requires a precise alignment of two STM tips onto one mono-crystalline area (~ several μm), then, this technique could not be evaluated due to the limitation of the instrument. The results show that the three-point technique has the capability to measure the 2-D lateral displacement with a resolution of sub-nm order with a maximum speed of 100nm/sec.

Chapter 3 - The eight-point atomic encoder technique, which measure 2-D displacement using two dithered STM tips and two mono-crystalline areas, is presented in this chapter. The results show that the eight-point atomic encoder technique has the capability of measuring 2-D lateral displacement with a resolution of 10 pm order with a maximum measurement speed of 100nm/sec.

Chapter 4 - The new six-point atomic encoder technique, which allows the interpolation method and requires only one STM tip and one mono-crystalline area, is proposed. The experimental setups are mainly same as that in the previous three-point and eight-point techniques. The results show the measurement resolution of approximately 10 pm, with a measurement speed of 100nm/sec.

Chapter 5 - This chapter shows overall conclusion and further study.

Appendix A - Principle of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and the structure of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal area described in this appendix.

Appendix B - This appendix presents the measurement concept of spindle error motions and error separation techniques, such as the multi-probe, multi-step and reversal method, for conventional spindle measurement.

Appendix C - Since some equations appeared in four published papers show some mistakes, correction of the equations in those published papers are presented.

Appendix D - The direct measurement method for the spindle radial motion error using the new six-point atomic encoder technique is presented. In an application of the atomic encoder for the spindle measurement, the HOPG crystal is placed on the top of the spindle and observed by the STM. The construction of the instrument and the measurement system is also presented in this appendix. Form the preliminary experimental results, the tunneling current signal can be obtained during spindle rotation. This can confirm that the proposed measurement system has a capability to use with the STM. Therefore, the direct-measurement of the spindle radial motion error using the proposed method is possible.

本論文は、「Two-dimensional atomic encoder with picometer resolution(ピコメートル分解能を持つ二次元原子エンコーダ)」と題し、5章より構成されている。(以下ではナノメートル、ピコメートルはそれぞれ、nm、pmと記す。)
第1章では、はじめに、将来の半導体製造・ナノテクノロジの分野では10pm以下の分解能を持つ二次元変位計測法が必要であると論じている。次に、この要請を考慮し、変位測定法(光干渉計・光学式エンコーダなど)を概観し、10pm以下の分解能を持つ変位測定、特に二次元変位測定は、従来の方法では達成が難しいことを述べている。分解能10pm以下を達成するには、走査型トンネル顕微鏡(scanning tunneling microscope:STM)と結晶格子表面を組み合わせ、結晶格子の二次元周期性(その周期は約0.2 ~ 0.3nm)を基準とする変位測定法が有力であることを述べ、この開発がこの論文の目的であることを述べている。
第4章では、第2章の方法を改良し、サンプルステージに置いたグラファイト結晶表面の単結晶額域に、ある軌道半径を持つディザ円運動をするSTM探針を1個配置し、この探針から得られる特定6点のトンネル電流にある演算を施すことで、サンプルステージの二次元横変位が決定できることを理論・実験両面で示した。基本並進ベクトルの1/10 ~ 1/30以下の補間も可能であり、変位分解能10pm以下、最高変位計測速度100nm/sを達成した。



