
High Performance Human-Robot Interaction Using Wire-Based Twin Drive System(ワイヤベースのツインドライブシステムを用いた高性能人間-ロボット間相互作用)

氏名 Chowarit Mitsantisuk
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第561号
学位授与の日付 平成22年8月31日
学位論文題目 High Performance Human-Robot Interaction Using Wire-Based Twin Drive System (ワイヤベースのツインドライブシステムを用いた高性能人間-ロボット間相互作用)
 主査 教授 大石 潔
 副査 教授 近藤 正示
 副査 准教授 伊東 淳一
 副査 准教授 宮崎 敏昌
 副査 慶應義塾大学理工学部専任講師 桂 誠一郎

平成22(2010)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Title Page p.i
Table of Contents p.iii
List of Figures p.vii
List of Tables p.xi
Acknowledgments p.xiii
1 Introduction p.1
 1.1 Background of Robotic Technology p.1
 1.2 Conventional Robotic Technology p.5
 1.3 A New Framework of Human-Robot Interaction System p.8
 1.4 Outline of the Thesis p.10
 1.5 Note on Block Diagram Used in the Thesis p.16
2 High Performance of Obsderver Based on Multi-Sensor Integration p.18
 2.1 Introduction p.19
 2.2 Sensorless force control with disturbance observer p.22
 2.3 Sensorless force control with position-acceleration integrated disturbance observer (PAIDO) p.27
 2.4 Sensorles force contorl with Kalman filter-based disturbance observer with multi-sensor system (KFDOB) p.29
 2.4.1 Multi-sensor Integration for Accurate Velocities Estimation p.29
 2.4.2 Implementation of the proposed method p.32
 2.5 Experiments p.35
 2.5.1 Experimental Setup p.35
 2.5.2 Experimental Results p.36
 2.6 Conclusions p.45
3 Wire-Based Twin Drive System p.46
 3.1 Mechanism of Wire-Based Twin Drive System p.46
 3.1.1 Introduction p.47
 3.1.2 Mechanical Structure p.52
 3.1.3 Acceleration Control System Based on Dual Disturbance Observer p.56
 3.1.4 Experimental Results p.68
 3.1.5 Conclusion p.77
 3.2 Identification of Wire-Based Twin Drive System p.78
 3.2.1 Introduction p.78
 3.2.2 Parameter identification p.90
 3.2.3 Results and Discussion p.94
 3.2.4 Conclusion p.111
4 Mechanical Stiffness Control Based on Variable Wire rope Tension Control p.112
 4.1 Relationship Between Velocity Profiles and Mechanical Stiffness p.112
 4.1.1 Introduction p.113
 4.1.2 Controller Design p.117
 4.1.3 Experiments and Results p.124
 4.1.4 Conclusion p.132
 4.2 Velocity Control Based on Variable Wire Rope Tensions p.135
 4.2.1 Introduction p.135
 4.2.2 Identification of Twin Direct-Drive Motor System with Consideration of Wire Rope Tension p.138
 4.2.3 Wire Rope Tension Control and Velocity Control p.138
 4.2.4 Experimental Results p.143
 4.2.5 Conclusion p.148
 4.3 Interaction Force Control Based on Variable Wire Rope Tensions p.149
 4.3.1 Introduction p.149
 4.3.2 Designing the Controller p.152
 4.3.3 Experimental Results p.157
 4.3.4 Conclusion p.165
5 Human-Robot Interaction System and Its Applications p.167
 5.1 Smoothing of Interaction Force Generation p.167
 5.1.1 Introduction p.168
 5.1.2 Interaction Force Generation Using B-Spline Function p.171
 5.1.3 Multi-sensor Scheme for Estimation of Human Movements p.176
 5.1.4 Experimental Results p.179
 5.1.5 Conclusion p.186
 5.2 Power Assist Control Based on Human Stiffness Estimation p.187
 5.2.1 Introduction p.188
 5.2.2 Modal analysis of disturbance observer p.191
 5.2.3 Real-time Human Stiffness Estimation and Variable Power Assist control p.202
 5.2.4 Experimental Results p.205
 5.2.5 Conclusion p.210
 5.3 Mechanical Stiffness Control Based on Human Stiffness Estimation p.212
 5.3.1 Introduction p.212
 5.3.2 Calculation of Wire Rope Tension Command p.213
 5.3.3 Experimental Results p.215
 5.3.4 Conclusion p.220
6 Conclusions p.221
 6.1 Discussion p.221
 6.2 Future Research Topics p.227
 6.2.1 Bilateral Control p.227
 6.2.2 Virtual environment with temperature consideration p.228
 6.2.3 Variable stiffness of the Twin direct-drive motor system p.229
Bibliography p.231
List of Achievements p.240

Industrial machines are used widely today because of their accuracy and high speed. Therefore, most of the mechanisms used for robots are conventional linkage mechanisms that consist of rigid and heavy structures. In order to obtain higher torque, a mechanical reduction-gear is typically applied. However, the main disadvantages of a gear mechanism system are the limitations imposed on system performance due to its nonlinear characteristics, which include backlash, vibration, and nonlinear friction. The rigid mechanical stiffness of such systems is not always suitable for human-robot applications due to the lack of compliant capability and human operator safety. Therefore, it is necessary to design an alternative methodology that guarantees the robustness and contact stability of a force control system. This thesis focuses on the improvement of the new framework of human-robot interaction system. The thesis is organized as follows:
Based on a literature review of the robot technology, the structure of the industrial robot, force estimation method and the controller design were discussed and the novel framework of the human-robot system was proposed as shown in the Chapter 1.
Chapter2 initially introduces the conventional external force estimation by using disturbance observer. The construction of inner loop acceleration control based on disturbance observer for the robustness in motion control system is presented. The outer observer loop is utilized to estimate the external force. The proposed concept of Kalman-filter-based disturbance observer with acceleration sensor is also described and utilized in the sensorless force control system. An acceleration sensor is utilized to enlarge the bandwidth of the force sensation. Chapter3 gives the explanation of the system architecture of the new frame work of human-robot interaction system which is designed by twin direct-drive motor system. To meet the specifications required for human-robot interaction system, we selected the identical direct-drive motors with wire rope mechanism in this application. Since both direct-drive motors have almost the same value of the friction effect and other nonlinearities, it is easy for the proposed system to compensate these deterioration effects. Moreover, this Chapter realizes the modeling and closed-loop identification of the twin direct-drive motor system with variation of the wire rope tension. From the simulation and experimental results, the total stiffness of the twin direct-drive motor system and the bandwidth of mechanical system can be increased by changing wire rope tension. This feature may make the twin direct-drive motor system very useful to provide a safety and smooth interaction force during operation. Chapter4 gives the explanation of the controller design of position and velocity for twin direct-drive motor system. From the identification results of the previous Chapter, the high-tension of wire rope system is obtained a high mechanical bandwidth in the robot systems. The disturbance observer-based eliminates the need for the tension sensors, and may also be used to achieve the precise velocity and position control with the vibration-free performance in the differential mode. In Chapter 4.2, this Chapter also proposes the variable wire rope tension algorithm to change the mechanical bandwidth according to velocity control of the robot. At the high velocity conditions, the velocity results in the differential mode confirm the vibration-free performance of the proposed algorithms. On the other hand, to lengthening the durability of wire rope, the wire rope tension command is reduced during the static motion. In Chapter 4.3, this Chapter also proposes the variable wire rope tension algorithm to change the mechanical bandwidth according to motion movements of the human. Since the friction has the greatest effect at low velocity, the wire rope tension command is chosen to be relatively large at low velocity. On the other hand, the robot must operate more compliant to safe user interaction. Thus, at high velocity, the controller is designed to obtain soft mechanical compliance by decreasing the wire rope tension command.
Chapter5 describes the programmable interaction force for the human movements. To construct the interaction force generation, this research proposes a new method of the interaction force control based on impedance control and B-spline interpolation for the human-robot interaction system. An adjustable force generation profiles are designed and all of the properties of impedance control and B-spline curves can be adopted. This Chapter also describes the variable power assist control method based on a real-time estimation of the stiffness of the human arm. By considering the stiffness in human arm movements, this method increases the efficiency of the force control system and realizes comfortable force for human-robot interaction.
Chapter6 summarizes the validation of the experimental results and some suggestions on extensions and future work are given as well.

 本論文は,「High Performance Human-Robot Interaction Using Wire-Based Twin Drive System(ワイヤベースのツインドライブシステムを用いた高性能人間―ロボット間相互作用)」と題し,6章より構成されている.



