Study of ultrasound effect to hydrogen bonding networks in polymer medium(ポリマー内水素結合に及ぼす超音波効果)
氏名 Dang Quoc Khanh
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第565号
学位授与の日付 平成22年12月31日
学位論文題目 Study of ultrasound effect to hydrogen bonding networks in polymer medium (ポリマー内水素結合に及ぼす超音波効果)
主査 准教授 南口 誠
副査 教授 鎌土 重晴
副査 教授 末松 久幸
副査 准教授 武田 雅敏
副査 産学融合特任准教授 松丸 幸司
[平成22(2010)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.
Abstract p.I
Acknowledgements p.III
List of Figures p.VII
List of Tables p.X
CHAPTER 1. Introduction p.1
1.1 Principle of MHD Generation p.2
1.2 MHD system p.3
1.2.1 Open Cycle MHD System p.3
1.2.1 Closed Cycle MHD Generation p.4
1.2.1 Further Research of MHD generator p.5
1.2.1 Advantages of MHD Generation p.6
1.2.1 Conclusions p.6
1.3 Overview of Liquid Metal MHD Power MHD Systems p.6
1.2.1 The Separator Cycle p.7
1.2.1 The Two-phase Generator Cycle p.8
1.2.1 Solar Applications p.10
1.2.1 Open-Cycle LMMHD p.11
1.2.1 The OMACON Cycle p.12
1.2.1 Conclusions p.13
1.4 Thesis Background p.14
1.5 Purposes of Thesis p.15
1.6 Scopes of Thesis p.16
References p.18
CHAPTER 2. Field Equations and Finite element Approximations p.20
Pulsed electric current sintering (PECS), also known as spark plasma sintering (SPS) or plasma activated sintering (PAS), is the latest pressure-sintering process to consolidate advanced materials such as ceramics, metallic materials, composites, polymers, semiconductors and oxide superconductors, in which the powder is heated by the application of electric current under pressure. This process is promising rapid consolidation technique that allows a better understanding and manipulating of sintering behavior and therefore makes it possible to obtain transparent Al2O3 polycrystals with high density and fine-grained microstructure. The reduction inthe grain size for the alumina ceramics has been recognized to improve not only transparency, butalso the mechanical strength. The goal of this study is to control several important sintering parameters in the PECS of Al2O3 such as pulse current waveform, heating rate, applied pressure, sintering temperature and investigate their influences on sintering behaviors, microstructure evolutions depend on sample temperature and transparency. In this study, it was revealed that thewaveform of pulsed electric current was not significant influenced densification and grain growth.Single-step in PECS (SSS) of Al2O3 with various sintering parameter was investigated. Slow heatingrate is very useful to obtain high density and fine-grained, but it was resulted in long time sintering process.
The two-step in PECS (TSPECS) appears to provide the new effectively sintering process for producing Al2O3 polycystals with improvement of microstructures and high density for much shortertime. First step is carried out by heating sample at low temperature for long holding time in order to obtain an initial high density and a second step is held at a higher temperature for a short time aiming to increase the density without obvious grain growth. The designing and optimization of heating parameters for the two-step sintering was investigated. TSPECS process gives an easy way to improve the microstructure of A12O3 polycrystals compared to the single stepin PECS. Single step and two-step in PECS of α-Al2O3 powder under various conditions were used to fabricate transparent bodies. Although slow heating rate is very efficiency to obtain transparentAl2O3 bodies, the total time process is very long. The proposed process in this work, TSPECS, canreduce total time process up to 1.5 hours to obtain transparent Al2O3 polycrystals. Since the transparency is inversely proportional to the grain size and directly proportional to the density,the TSPECS process results more advantage on the fabrication of transparent Al2O3 polycrsytals than that of SSS. The PECS process was also successfully applied to fabricate transparent ruby polycrystals, ruby-sapphire composite likes marble and stripe texture.
本論文は,「Pulsed Electric Current Sintering of a-Al2O3 Powder to Fabricate Transparent Bodies(透光体作製を目指したa-Al2O3粉末のパルス通電焼結)」と題し,全8章より構成されている.
第2章「Densification of Al2O3 sintered by PECS processing with different ON/OFF pulse patterns」では,アルミナのパルス通電焼結におけるON/OFF比の役割を緻密化や粒成長の観点から議論している.ON/OFF比を下げると,同じ型温度では密度と粒径がともに大きくなるなどの影響がある.申請者は,この現象が試料温度の違いに起因することを見出し.試料温度で整理すると,ON/OFF比は直接的に焼結挙動に影響を及ぼしていないことを初めて説明した.
第3章「Effects of pulse current waveform on sintering behavior in PECS of Al2O3」は異なる電源を用いて,主にパルス通電の周波数の影響を検討している.ON/OFF比における比較と同様,試料温度で整理すると,印可パルス波形は直接的に焼結挙動に影響を及ぼしていないことを初めて見いだしている.
第4章「Effects of applied pressure, heating rate and sintering temperature in PECS of Al2O3」では,アルミナのパルス通電焼結における圧力や焼結温度,昇温速度の影響を検討した.特にパルス通電焼結の特徴である急速昇温が緻密化や粒微細化に不利であったと述べている.アルミナのパルス通電焼結に関する文献調査から昇温速度の影響が一義でなく,試料粉末の欠陥濃度などにも影響される可能性を示唆している.
第5章「Two-step heating in PECS of Al2O3 powder」は,第4章の結果を踏まえ,アルミナのパルス通電焼結において,低温である程度焼結することが緻密化と粒成長抑制に効果的であるとの考えから2段階焼結を導入している.
第6章「Guide-line for transparent Al2O3 polycrystals via the PECS process」は,第2章から第5章までの結果を総合し,透光性アルミナを得るための指針をまとめている.2段階焼結の適用でプロセス時間を約3分の1に短縮することに成功している.
第7章「Application of PECS for transparent bodies」は,この研究で得た透光性アルミナのパルス通電焼結法指針を適用して,Crを添加した透光性ルビー焼結体,ルビーとアルミナの透光性複合体の作製も成功しており,高付加価値を有する装飾体への展開が期待される.
第8章「General Conclusions」ではアルミナのパルス通電焼結法における各種パラメーターの影響と透光体作製方法,2段階焼結の有用性を提示し,論文を総括した.