Implementation of Universal Design in South Asia(南アジアへのユニバーサル・デザインの導入)
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第562号
学位授与の日付 平成22年9月30日
学位論文題目 Implementation of Universal Design in South Asia (南アジアへのユニバーサル・デザインの導入)
主査 教授 淺井 達雄
副査 教授 中村 和男
副査 教授 三上 喜貴
副査 准教授 五島 洋行
副査 准教授 マーラシンハ チャンドラジット アーシュボーダ
[平成22(2010)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.
Abstract p.i
Acknowledgements p.iii
Table of Contents p.vii
List of Figures p.xii
List of Tables p.xv
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation p.5
1.2 Objectives of the research p.5
1.3 Assumptions p.6
1.4 Literature review p.6
1.4.1 Evolution of UD p.6
1.4.2 Benktzon's "user's Pyramid" p.8
1.4.3 The "Inclusive Design Cube" p.8
1.5 Scope of UD p.10
1.6 Originality of the study p.11
1.7 Need for UD p.13
1.7.1 Rapid demographic change p.13
1.7.2 Disability p.14
1.8 Scheme of approach p.16
1.9 Outline of dissertation p.17
2 A compartive study of universal design in South Asia and Japan
2.1 Introduction p.19
2.2 Cultural dimensions p.20
2.3 Backgrounds and development of hypotheses p.22
2.4 Overview of survey p.23
2.5 Profile of survey p.25
2.6 Analysis p.25
2.6.1 Proof of hypothesis test p.25 Levels of awareness p.25 Levels of practioces p.26 Willingness to pay p.26 Permeation of UD p.26
2.6.2 Need for UD p.27
2.6.3 Most desired feature in durable products p.28 Most liked feature p.28 Most disliked feature p.29 Most preferred feature of usability p.29 Most preferred feature of safety p.30
2.7 Discussion p.30
2.7.1 Hypothesis test p.30
2.7.2 Need for UD p.31
2.7.3 Most desired feature in product p.31
2.8 Recommendations for producers and designers p.32
2.9 Conclusions p.33
3 Empirical analysis of feasibility to implement universal design in developing countries: The case of Philippines
3.1 Introduction p.35
3.2 Social-economic impact with UD p.36
3.2.1 Social walfare -the aged and the disabled p.36
3.2.2 ICT-bridging the digital divide p.37
3.2.3 Urban/Recogional development p.39 Infrastructure improvement p.39 Retirement destination p.39 Accessible tourism p.39
3.2.4 Business/Private sector development p.40
3.3 Philippin survey on UD p.40
3.3.1 General profile of survey p.41
3.3.2 Level of UD awareness p.42
3.3.3 Level of UD readiness p.44
3.4 Conclusions p.45
3.5 Recommendations p.47
3.6 Limitations and future works p.48
4 Implementation of universal design in South Asian countries
4.1 Introduction p.51
4.2 Backgrounds and development of hypotheses p.52
4.3 Opinion of survey p.54
4.4 Exploration of actural situation in South Asia p.56
4.4.1 UD in South Asia p.56 Level of awareness of UD p.56 Awareness of UD depending on gender p.57 Level of practice of UD in durable products p.57
4.4.2 Present Market of durable products p.58 Products-wise analysis of the market p.59 Most considerable factor: usability and functionality p.62
4.4.3 Need for UD p.63
4.4.4 Most desired feature in products p.64 Most liked feature: less energy p.65 Do not like feature: huge size p.65 Most preferred feature of usability: easy to use p.66 Most preferred feature of safety: automatic function p.66
4.4.5 Attitudes of various age groupes toward features p.67 Most liked feature p.67 Preferred feature of usability by various age groups p.67 Preferred feature of safety p.68
4.4.6 Business opportunities of Udin South Asia p.69 Probablity of market expansion p.69 Willingness to pay for UD products p.70
4.5 Recommendations for products and designers p.72
4.6 Conclusions p.73
5 Marketability of Universal design (UD) Products in India: The Case of Panasonic and a UD proposal for Washing Machines
5.1 Introduction p.75
5.1.1 Literature about UD p.76
5.1.2 Indian macro environment p.77
5.1.3 Foreign investment in UD p.80
5.1.4 Quick survey p.81 Facing problems p.81 Willingness to pay extra p.82
5.2 A case study of Panasonic p.83
5.2.1 Corporate social responsibility(CSR) p.84
5.2.2 Basic approach to UD p.84
5.2.3 UD policy and six basic elements p.85
5.2.4 Economic analysis of Panasonic p.86
5.2.5 Proof of Panasonic's improvement through UD p.87
5.2.6 Panasonic's market expansion p.88
5.3 Step-bystep approach to UD market p.89
5.4 Study of washing machine: an example of durable goods p.93
5.4.1 Design based on UD in the Indian context p.94
5.4.2 Basic process to incorporate "Start with small changes" in washing machines p.95
5.4.3 Costs and profits p.96
5.4.4 Marketability: problems and solutions p.100
5.5 Conclusions p.101
5.6 Limitations and future work p.102
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusions p.105
6.2 Limitations and future work p.107
6.3 Recommendations p.108
References p.109
List of Author's Publication p.119
Appendix A: Questionnaires-South Asia and Japan p.121
Appendix B:Questionnaires-The Philippines p.129
Universal Design (UD) intends to simplify life for everybody. It has been attracting attention in many parts of the world. This study takes in the expansion of UD in South Asia and focuses on products, especially in durable goods. Two surveys are carried out in South Asia and Japan. The same questionnaire was used to make a comparative study between South Asia and Japan. One more survey was carried out in the Philippines with the different goal to poll the opinion of the people to be involved in the promotion of UD. For this reason the used questionnaire was different from that of South Asia and Japan. Japan is selected for the study because Japan is one of the fas test aging countries in the world. The recent and still on-going profound societal changes have forced the Japanese society to incorporate UD in various fields including durable goods. The Philippines is chosen here because the legislation for the accessibility for people with disabilities in infrastructure development was started in 1983. The Philippines, however, still has to do many things for UD to be implemented in the products and services like those of the developed countries Japan. This study takes 6 steps as follows:
Step 1 to explore the differences in the incorporation of UD between developing countries and developed countries,
Step 2 to find reasons why the incorporation of UD is slow in developing countries,
Step 3 to investigate the actual situation of UD in South Asia,
Step 4 to know the business potential of UD in India,
Step 5 to analyze the break-even point to see the reliability and validity of the new proposed approach,
Step 6 to give recommendations to producers and designers for durable goods.
Step 1 is based on the result of the surveys carried out in South Asia and Japan. In this step, a comparative study is done between South Asia and Japan to explore the gap of their implementation of UD. Step 2 is based on the survey carried out in the Philippines. In this step, the levels of awareness of UD and the readiness to accept UD are discussed. Step 3 discusses the conditions of UD in South Asia as a whole, based on the survey carried out there. It is proven that there are business opportunities in South Asia for UD products in this step. Step 4 is based on the current macro environment of India and its surveyed data. In this step, Panasonic’s approach towards UD and its current strategies of UD are studied. At the end, two approaches “step-by-step” and “Start with small change” are proposed after comprehensive studies of UD.
These approaches help producers and designers of durable goods to develop strategies regarding the incorporation of UD on products. These newly presented approaches are proved to be effective in the implementation of UD in developing countries like India. This study has found that the general population and the academic sector of developing countries are ready to accept UD.
Furthermore, this study has proved that there is high business potential in South Asian countries for UD products. In other words, the business sector will be able to make decisions about the implementation of UD based on consumers’ demand.
本論文は、「Implementation of Universal Design in South Asia (南アジアへのユニバーサル・デザインの導入)」と題し、6章から構成されている。
第2章「A comparative study of universal design in South Asia and Japan」では、日本と南アジア諸国におけるUDに対する認知の度合、製品に対して望まれる機能などについて調査して両地域における差異を明らかにしている。
第3章「Empirical analysis of feasibility to implement universal design in developing countries: The case of the Philippines」では、発展途上国において比較的UDの展開が進捗しつつあるフィリピンにおけるUD展開の実情を調査して、UDの導入促進のための方策案を提案している。
第4章「Implementation of universal design in South Asian countries」では、耐久消費財、とくに家庭用電気製品について、南アジア諸国において望まれるユーザビリティを調査しUD製品の市場性を分析、これに基づいて家庭用電気製品のメーカーやデザイナーに対する提案をまとめている。
第5章「Marketability of Universal Design (UD) Products in India: The Case of Panasonic and a UD Proposal for Washing Machines」では、Panasonic社におけるUD製品展開の事例を紹介、分析してUD製品を社会に供給することが事業業績の改善にもつながることを示しながら、インドにおけるUDに基づいた家庭用電気製品が十分に市場性を有していることを損益分岐点分析によって明らかにしている。
第6章「Conclusions and recommendations」では、本論文の各章の結論を総括して述べるとともに、本論文で提案した事項を実際に適用する場合の注意事項と今後の研究課題について述べている。