Application of dispersive wave models for tsunami generation, propagation and runup (分散性波動モデルの津波の発生・伝播・遡上現象への適用)
氏名 Darulihsan bin Abdul Hamid
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第476号
学位授与の日付 平成20年8月31日
学位論文題目 Application of dispersive wave models for tsunami generation, propagation and runup (分散性波動モデルの津波の発生・伝播・遡上現象への適用)
主査 准教授 永澤 茂
副査 教授 福澤 康
副査 教授 古口 日出男
副査 教授 東 信彦
副査 教授 田辺 郁男
[平成20(2008)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.
1.1 Overview of Die Cutting p.1
1.2 Literature review p.5
1.3 Shimming method p.9
1.4 Research objective p.10
2.1 Introduction p.12
2.2 Experimental method p.12
2.3 Measurement method p.18
2.4 Simulation condition p.19
2.5 Result and discussion p.21
2.5.1 Comparison of experiment and simulation for cutting tip side p.21
2.5.2 Comparison of experiment and simulation for double structure blade bottom tip p.28
2.5.3 Varying of bottom tip angle α2 p.38
2.5.4 Varying of bottom tip thickness w2 p.45
2.5.5 Varying of bottom yield stress σY and tensile strength σB p.48
2.5.6 Varying of bottom tip thickness w2, bottom tip yield and tensile strengthσYσB, and bottom tip hardening coefficient H' to ±1% and ±3% from the existing value p.50
2.6 Summary p.58
3.1 Introduction p.60
3.2 Experimental method p.60
3.3 critical yielding of the cutting and bottom tip p.67
3.4 Load balance characteristic p.74
3.5 Crushed profile distribution along blade tip cutting line p.76
3.6 Shimming effect for a combination of blade bottom thickness and soft resin plate p.79
3.7 Summary p.81
4.1 Introduction p.83
4.2 Experimental method and condition p.86
4.3 Results and discussion p.91
4.3.1 Effect of grain direction angle on tensile properties p.91
4.3.2 Effect of nick width on tensile properties p.93
4.3.3 Effect of thickness on tensile properties p.97
4.4 Summary p.101
Future research p.106
APPENDIX:Achivement p.112
In die cutting industry, ‘paperboard converting’ is a process for converting paperboard into finish product such as packages, cartons boxes, milk cartons and food boxes by using various types of blade rules and cutting methods. One of the cutting methods is called ‘pushing cut’, which is used by flat bed die cutting machine to die cut shapes into paper stock. Problems such as severe crushing of cutting tip, eccentrically damaged of blade tip, uneven pressure distribution along blade cutting line, occurrence of thread dross, inferior profiles of paperboard sheared section have affected the quality of wedged sheets. Many researches were conducted on the cutting blades and cutting products in order to overcome this problem. However, up to date, there were no academically studies conducted on a blade that has a ‘shimming characteristic’ resulted from a combination of a hard cutting tip and sharp tapered soft bottom tip. This unique blade structure is called ‘double structure blade’ and was invented by Dr. Grebe. The principle of this blade is its soft bottom tip will undergo plastic deformation more readily than the cutting tip at a certain exerted applied cutting forces for force balancing, which at the same time preventing the cutting tip from excessive crushing. In this case, the tapered soft bottom tip acts as a ‘pressure relief element’ and will deform when pressures along the blade cutting line is non-uniform. Deformation analyses of the double structure blade bottom tip were conducted in a static push loading condition using a compression machine. In this experiment method, the blade is directly crushed onto a hard counter plate (SUS630) at various chosen line force with a stably feed. By identifying certain parameters, the blade tip deformation was measured at unloading condition and the critical cutting force for the bottom tip is revealed. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was conducted for confirming the experimental result including design optimization by modifying the blade bottom tip angle, thickness and hardness. The fundamental mechanism of the double structure blade shimming characteristic was also investigated under a quasi static crank motion. This analysis was conducted experimentally in a rotation speed NC = 5min-1 of the crank shaft and in relation with various line forces ranging from an actually applied lower line force to an upper line force as close to the structural buckling strength of a straight blade. By analyzing the forces generated from the four load cells located under the crank machine table, a force balancing characteristic for the double structure blade is revealed. An actual problem in paperboard cutting resulted from severe crushing of blade tip is presented in the strength of paperboard connecting portion or ‘nick’. By varying the nick width to a certain range (0.14 ~ 1.0 mm) and the center bevel nick blade to a certain thickness (5 ~ 103 μm), connecting portions were prepared by an indentation of nick blade onto a pre-processed white-coated paperboard specimen. Tensile test was then conducted to these specimens and their strength and critical condition is analyzed.
本論文は、「Self Shimming and Nick Characteristics of Center Bevel Blade Structure on Precision Die Cutting(精密型抜加工におけるくさび刃構造の刃当り修正機構とつなぎ部加工性能)」と題し、5章より構成されている。第1章「Introduction (緒論)」では、包装用板紙の精密型抜加工に関する平盤機の特徴やくさび刃物の刃潰れと被切断材の品質などの技術的課題の概要を示すとともに、関連する従来の研究の概要を紹介して本研究の目的と範囲を述べている。第2章「Static Push Loading Deformation Analysis (静的な押抜負荷による変形解析)」では、板紙の押抜切断に対して2段くさび構造の帯刃が持つ基本的な剛性と変形挙動を明らかにすることを目的として、押抜荷重を刃に静的に作用させる負荷実験ならびに弾塑性有限要素モデルによる数値計算を行って、刃材の変形挙動を解析した。切刃部焼入界面の塑性変形限界圧力と刃底部塑性変形限界圧力を基準として、押付荷重に対する刃材の軸方向潰れ変形と横方向曲げ変形について実験と計算がよく合致した。これによって寸法形状や刃材降伏点などの基本的な条件を可変として変形性能を高精度に予測できるモデルを確立した。この静的な変形解析から、実用化されている2段くさび刃の機械的性能が持つ特徴として、座屈による剛性低下挙動が遅延化される条件で供されていることを明らかにした。第3章「Quasi-statically Reciprocal Motion Deformation Analysis (準静的な往復運動による帯刃の変形解析)」では、実際的なクランク機構による押抜を行う実験装置を用いて板紙の無い条件で低速 5min-1 で負荷実験を行って、帯刃に作用する3次元的な圧力分布の時間的変化を解析した.これより、2段くさび構造の刃と通常の刃との性能比較に関して、圧力分布の時間的変化と刃先の潰れ幅の分布特性を明らかにした。第4章「Tensile Characteristic of Paperboard Connecting Potions (板紙つなぎ部の引張特性)」では、刃潰れや切欠部の幅が板紙の排出工程で切離性能に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的として、刃先幅と切欠部の溝幅とを実験的に変えて板紙のつなぎ部を用意し引張試験を行った。このことから、つなぎ部の引張に対して2次元的な応力分布とみなせる寸法条件から42°くさび刃によって自損崩壊する寸法条件までの引張強さに関する遷移状態を明らかにした。また、糸状紙粉発生限界がつなぎ部の引張強さに及ぼす影響を明らかにした。第5章「Conclusion (結論」」は、本研究で得られた成果を総括し展望を述べている。以上のように、本研究は切れムラの修正を機構的に実現する刃の機械的特性を解明して、さらに切れムラによる板紙のつなぎ部への影響を示しており、安定した押抜加工を実現するために多くの新しい知見を与えている。