
Electrode activity and microstructural characterization of the nickel cobalt alloy-based cermet anode for the direct oxidation of methane

氏名 Wichapun Weerapakkaroon
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 甲第486号
学位授与の日付 平成20年8月31日
学位論文題目 Electrode activity and microstructural characterization of the nickel cobalt alloy-based cermet anode for the direct oxidation of methane
 主査 教授 佐藤 一則
 副査 教授 松下 和正
 副査 教授 梅田 実
 副査 准教授 松原 浩
 副査 特任教授 井上 泰宣

平成20(2008)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

List of Figures p.v
List of Tables p.x
Chapter 1 Introduction
 1.1 Historical background p.1
 1.2 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) p.4
 1.2.1 Background and principle p.4
 1.2.2 Electrolyte p.5
 1.2.3 Cathode p.5
 1.2.4 Anode p.6
 1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of SOFCs p.7
 1.3.1 Advantages p.7
 1.3.2 Disadvantages p.8
 1.4 Status of anode SOFCs p.9
 1.5 Scope of thesis and inspiration p.13
 References p.15
Chapter 2 Experimental Considerations
 2.1 Introduction p.17
 2.2 Material synthesis and characterization p.17
 2.2.1 Material synthesis p.17
 2.2.2 Material characterization p.18 Nickel and cobalt solid solution p.18 Ni0.5Co0.5O-MgO-TiO2 (NCMTO) solid solution p.20
 2.3 Electrode polarizations p.26
 2.3.1 Concentration polarization p.26
 2.3.2 Activation polarization p.27
 2.3.3 Ohmic polarization p.29
 2.4 Electrode polarizations on the cell performance p.29
 2.5 Impedance analysis p.32
 2.6 Cell configuration p.34
 2.7 Experimental set-up p.36
 References p.39
 Appendix A p.40
 Appendix B p.41
Chapter 3 Evaluation of the Anode Consisting of Ni0.5Co0.5 and Samaria-Doped Ceria in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
 3.1 Introduction p.44
 3.2 Experimental p.46
 3.3 Results and discussion p.47
 3.3.1 Microstructural characterization p.47
 3.3.2 Cell performance p.50
 3.4 Conclusions p.56
 References p.57
 Appendix C p.58
Chapter 4 (Ni0.5Co0.5)-MgO-TiO2-YSZ Cermet Anode for the Direct Oxidation of Methane
 4.1 Introduction p.62
 4.2 Experimental p.63
 4.3 Results and discussion p.65
 4.4 Conclusions p.74
 References p.74
 Appendix D p.76
Chapter 5 Electrochemical and Microstructure Characterization of (Ni0.5Co0.5)-MgO-TiO2-YSZ Cermet Anode
 5.1 Introduction p.79
 5.2 Experimental p.81
 5.2.1 Cell preparation p.81
 5.2.2 Cell characterization p.82
 5.3 Results and discussion p.82
 5.4 Conclusions p.96
 References p.96
 Appendix E p.98
Chapter 6 Study on the Carbon Deposition in Direct Methane Fuel and Electrode Characterization of Ni0.5Co0.5-MgO-TiO2 Cermet Anode
 6.1 Introduction p.104
 6.2 Experimental p.105
 6.3 Results and discussion p.107
 6.3.1 The effect of TiO2 to the reduction rate of NCMT powder p.107
 6.3.2 Characterization of TiO2 particles formation p.109
 6.3.3 The carbon resistance in dry CH4 p.110
 6.3.4 The amount of carbon deposition on cermet anodes p.116
 6.4 Conclusions p.120
 References p.120
Summary p.121
List of International Conferences p.123
List of Journal Papers and Proceedings p.125
Curriculum Vitae p.127

 The novel cermet anodes for solid oxide fuel cells(SOFCs)were fabricated and evaluated in H2 and CH4 fuel. The enhancenment in cell performance was based on their microstructure arrangement, anodic overvoltage, cell resistance, and conductivity. The novel materials were developed from the conventional Ni-YSZ cermet anode. Cobalt, Mgo and TiO2 were added with a decided percent of weight into Ni-YSZ cermet anode in order to improve the microstructure arrangement and three-phase boundary(TPB).
 Cabalt forming a solid solution with Ni increased the cell performance both H2 and CH4 fuel. The particle size of Ni1-xCox alloy increased with increasing the percent of Cobalt. Ni0.5Co0.5 showed the best ratio for solid solution with the optimized microstructure and solid solution. The microstructure from EPMA images revealed that Ni0.5Co0.5 particles were bigger size and higher porosity than Ni particles that is good for electrochemical reaction. The cell performance of Ni-YSZ cermet anode showed seriously drop when the fuel was switched from H2 to CH4 owing to high carbon deposition on Ni particles. Ni0.5Co0.5-YSZ cermet anode showed higher cell performance than Ni-YSZ cermet anode both H2 and CH4 fuel owing to increase the TPB and oxide-like state which is enriched by the electron donation of the absorbed CH4 . Samarium-doped ceria(SDC)was applied for cermet anode because of its high ionic and electrical conductivity. The enhancement in cell performance of Ni0.5Co0.5-SDC cermet anode is caused not only by high conductivity, but also by the morphological improvement in the porous structure. The polarization resistance of the Ni0.5Co0.5-SDC cermet anode could be reduced by an increase in the area of the electrochemical reaction at TPB. The microstructure is prone to easily agglomerate after prolonged time operation. The EPMA images of Ni0.5Co0.5-YSZ cermet anode after cell performance test exhibited high metal agglomeration and low porosity causing to increase total cell resitances. 90wt%Ni0.5Co0.5-9wt%Mgo-1wt%TiO2-YSZ(NCMT-YSZ)cermet anode was fabricated and studied the effect of MgO and TiO2. TiO2 improved the reduction rate of the stable Ni0.5Co0.5-MgO solid solution due to decrease the surface free energy of Ni-Co- Mg-O system. The starting NCMT solid solution was prone to easier to reduction from oxide to metal phases than Ni0.5Co0.5-Mgo solid solution. The catalytic activity of Ni0.5Co0.5-MgO-YSZ cermet anode was very low because most of phases are poor for anode electrochemical reaction with oxide phases. The cell performance of NCMT-YSZ cermet anode in H2 fuel was higher than that of Ni-YSZ cermet anode, but was same as Ni0.5Co0.5-YSZ cermet anode. MgO and TiO2 did not show any effect to increase cell performance in H2 fuel because the TPB of NCMT-YSZ and Ni0.5Co0.5-YSZ cermet anodes were comparable. The cell performance of NCMT-YSZ cermet anode was higher than that of Ni0.5Co0.5-YSZ cermet anode in CH4 fuel due to the co-existence of Ni0.5Co0.5 and MgO particles. MgO improved the microstructure by increasing the formation of active sizes for methane oxidation reaction in the NCMT-YSZ cermet anode. The microstructure improvement results in an increase in the cell performance for the direct oxidation of CH4 and a decrease in the apparent activation energy for CH4 oxidation reaction. The amount of carbon on cermet anodes was determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Ni-YSZ cermet anode showed the highest amount of carbon deposition by 2 and 6 times higher than Ni0.5Co0.5-YSZ and NCMT-YSZ cermet anode respectively. Carbon deposition in NCMT-YSZ cermet anode was removed by oxidation of absorbed H2O molecules on MgO particles.

 本論文は、「Electrode Activity and Microstructural Characterization of the Nickel Cobalt Alloy-based Cermet Anode for the Direct Oxidation of Methane(メタン直接酸化に対するニッケル・コバルト基合金サーメット燃料極の電極活性と微細組織キャラクタリゼーション)」と題し、6章より構成されている。


