Enhanced effect on sono-chemical processes by using reflection-ultrasound method(反射超音波法を利用したソノケミカル過程における促進 効果)
氏名 Kyaing Kyaing Latt
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第442号
学位授与の日付 平成19年9月30日
学位論文題目 Enhanced effect on sono-chemical processes by using reflection-ultrasound method (反射超音波法を利用したソノケミカル過程における促進効果)
主査 准教授 小林 高臣
副査 教授 野坂 芳雄
副査 教授 梅田 実
副査 准教授 松原 浩
副査 長岡工業高等専門学校 教授 丸山 一典
[平成19(2007)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.
Chapter 1. General Introduction
1.1 Principal of ultrasound p.1
1.1.1 Uses of ultrasound in chemical technology p.1
1.1.2 Cavitation phenomenon p.2
1.1.3 Factors affecting cavitation p.5
1.2 Sonochemistry p.5
1.3 Sonoluminescence
1.4 Sono-processes p.9
1.5 Scope of present investigation p.10
1.6 Reference p.11
Chapter 2. Effect of Ultrasound on Membrane Cleaning Process: Enhanced membrane Permeability
2.1 Introduction p.13
2.2 Experimental p.14
2.2.1 Materials and instruments p.14
2.2.2 Experimental procedure p.15
2.3 Results and discussion p.17
2.3.1 Frequency effect on enhanced membrane permeability p.17
2.3.2 Effect of ultrasound direction and position of membrane p.20
2.3.3 Different cleaning methods on flux recovery of membrane permeation p.25
2.4 Conclusion p.27
2.5 References p.27
Chapter 3. Effect of Reflection Technique on Ultrasound-Membrane Hybrid Processes
3.1 introduction p.28
3.2 Experimental p.30
3.2.1 Materials and instruments p.30
3.2.2 Experimental procedure of hybrid ultrasound-membrane system p.31
3.3 Results and discussion p.34
3.3.1 Effect of US irradiation on the MFmembrane performance p.34
3.3.1(i) Volume flux p.34
3.3.1(ii) Pressure distribution on the MF membrance performance p.39
3.3.2 Enhanced membrane treatments under reflection US filed p.42
3.3.2(i) Volume flux p.42
3.3.2(ii) Pressure distribution in ultrasonic water bath p.44
3.4 Conclusion p.47
3.5 References p.47
Chapter 4. Reflected Ultrasound in Sol-Gel Processing: production of Nanosized TiO2 Powders
4.1 Introduction p.49
4.2 Experimental p.51
4.2.1 Preparation p.51
4.2.2 Characterization p.54
4.2.3 Photcatalytic experiments and characterization p.54
4.2.4 Evaluating of US reactor for US intensity and sonoluminescence measurement p.54
4.3 Results and discussion p.55
4.3.1 Ultrasonic sol-gel process with different frequency p.55
4.3.2 Effect of calcination temperature on crystal structure and photodegradation properties of TiO2-Rh640 system p.60
4.3.3 Evaluation of ultrasonic reaction p.66
4.4 Conclusion p.73
4.5 References p.73
Summary p.76
List of Publications p.78
Presentation in Confrences and Symposiums p.79
Glossary p.82
Ultrasound (US) has been recognized for many years by its grate potential for industrial application and chemical processing such as atomization, precipitation and crystallization, filtration and particle separation, and, electrochemistry and electroplating, etc. In the present work, US technique was technique was successfully applied in sono-chemical processes, which were related for membrane cleaning process and sol-gel TiO2 production. It has been known that US influences mechanical effect and chemical reactivity through cavitation phenomenon which is induced by US transmission in water; Sound id transmitted through a fluid as a wave consisting of alternating compression and rarefaction cycles. During rarefaction, the succeeding compression cycles can cause strong shear stress and also the cavity bubbles cases to remove the foulant from the fouled membrane surface and promotes the permeation rate in membrane treatment. It was studied the US efficiency mainly depended on the US frequency occurred in aqueous medium. The factors effecting to occur strong stress were the distance from transducers and power of US. As a result the enhanced permeation through the membrane was observed at the center of US water bath. I applied that the US intensity used was controlled by reflection technique in order to focus on the membrane module. Sonoluminescence and sonic pressure associated with acoustic cavitation was performed to evaluate the reflected US enhancement. Beside that, the sufficient US intensity to create the active US stress was observed at low frequency of 28 kHz in both of US and reflected US systems.
In an inorganic powdered solid sonochemistry process, the most immediate effectis the rapid reduction in particle size. This is due to cavitational collapse onor near the surface which serves to break the solid material. Surface erosion isapparent with fine particles and increases the surface area. To identify the USeffect on reduction of particle size, sol-gel TiO2 process of titanium tetra-isopropoxide was examined under sonication with different US frequency. Similarly, the efficiency of reflected US was also provide for production of nanosized TiO2 powder in 28, 45 and 100 kHz. It was observed that reflected US promoted the resultant TiO2 powder in nano size and increased the surface area especially in 28 kHz. The increasing effective surface area of TiO2 powders available for photodegradation reaction with rhodamine 640 dye (Rh-640) under UVexposure. Beside, the calcinations temperature greatly affected the photoreaction activity of resultant titania. High calcinations temperature reduced TiO2 porosity and then, adsorptivity of the dye also decreased. In conclusion, it was observed in Rh-640 bleaching that the TiO2 prepared under low frequency and low calcinations temperature was more affected. Furthermore, the reflecting US technique could control the particle aggregation and prepare fine nanosized TiO2 powder.
本論文は「Enhanced effect on sono-chemical processes by using reflection-ultrasound method(反射超音波法を利用したソノケミカル過程における促進効果)」と題し、全5章から構成されており、その目的は、膜分離システムやゾルゲル過程において、反射超音波法の有効性を評価するとともに、ソノプロセスでの超音波強度や周波数がどのように影響するかを評価することにある。
第1章「General Introduction」では、膜分離プロセスやゾルゲル反応に関連したソノプロセスについて概説し、反射超音波法の有用性と本研究の目的を述べている。
第2章「Effect of Ultrasound on Membrane Cleaning Process: Enhanced Membrane Permeability」では、中空糸精密濾過膜による膜分離法に超音波を適応した超音波-膜ハイブリッド法についての実験装置、方法、及び条件について説明している。
第3章「Effect of Reflection Technique on Ultrasound-Membrane Hybrid Processes」では、反射超音波法を適応した膜分離法では、ファウリングの抑制効果が高く、またその特性は超音波の周波数が低い28kHzで、高効率である事を明らかにしている。半円筒型反射板による超音波の集音により、超音波効果を促進でき、ファウリング防止による膜の再生に有効であることを見いだしている。ルミノールの化学発光と超音波圧力を測定する事で、この超音波効果は、キャビテーションによる化学的な作用ではなく、むしろ、物理的な超音波効果に依存する事を明らかにしている。
第4章「Reflected Ultrasound in Sol-Gel Processing: Production of Nanosized TiO2 Powders」では、反射超音波法をゾルゲル反応に適応し、粒径がナノサイズの酸化チタン粉末を調整し、これらを用いたローダミン色素の光退色を測定することで光触媒特性を評価している。28、45、100kHzの周波数の超音波を用いた場合、28kHzにおいて、粒径が5nmの酸化チタン微粒子を得る事ができ、この凝集粉体は表面積が大きく、かつ、水系では約0.1μmのそろった凝集体となり、効果的な光触媒特性を有することを明らかにしている。