
Formation of Phase Structure and Crystallization Behavior of Block Copolymers and Their Blends with Corresponding Homopolymer(ブロック共重合体及びそのブレンドにおける相構造形成と結晶化挙動)

氏名 高 原冀
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第456号
学位授与の日付 平成20年3月25日
学位論文題目 Formation of Phase Structure and Crystallization Behavior of Block Copolymers and Their Blends with Corresponding Homopolymer (ブロック共重合体及びそのブレンドにおける相構造形成と結晶化挙動)
 主査 教授 塩見 友雄
 副査 教授 西口 郁三
 副査 教授 五十野善信
 副査 准教授 竹中 克彦
 副査 准教授 河原 成元
 副査 准教授 前川 博史
 副査 華東理工大学材料学院教授 呉 馳飛

平成19(2007)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Chapter 1 General Introduction p.1
Chapter 2 Formation of Phase Structure and Crystallization Behavior in Crystalline-Glassy Amophous Block Copolymersand Their Blends p.13
Chapter 3 Structure Formation annd Crystallization Behavior in Crystalline-Rubbery Amorphous Block Copolymers and Their Blends p.45
Chapter 4 Structure Development and Crystallization Behavioe from Disorderes Melt in Block Copolymers and Their Blends p.71
Chapter 5 Summery p.71
List of Publications p.97
Acknowledgements p.99

 Formation of higher-order structure for crystalline block copolymers has lately become a subject of special interest in the field of multicomponent or multiphase polymeric systems. The structure of such block copolymers is determined by interplay between crystallization and microphase separation. There are two cases in crystallization from melt: one is the crystallization from the microphase-separated, i.e., ordered melt and the other from disordered melt. In particular, the former case has attracted much interest. The most important subject in the crystallization from the microphase-separated melt is whether the melt structure is maintained in crystallization or not. If the melt structure is kept in crystallization, that is, the crystallization occurs within the microdomains formed in the melt, one can arrange the crystalline phase regularly in the nano-order scale by using various kinds of melt microphase separation structure as a template. In such case, the crystallization itself is also interesting because the crystallization is restricted in the microdomain whose size is parallel to that of polymer chains.
 This thesis was focused on such structure formation and crystallization behavior for three typical kinds of crystalline-amorphous block copolymers and their blends: two block copolymers containing a glassy and rubbery amorphous component, respectively, have an ordered melt, and the other block copolymer has a disordered melt. The structure formation was analyzed using mainly a time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique employing synchrotron radiation, and the crystallization was observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
 As a system containing a glassy amorphous component, polystyrene-polyethylene block copolymers (SE) and various kinds of blends of SE with the corresponding homopolymers, polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene (PE), and SE with different copolymer compositions were employed. The melt microphase structure in the blends was changed depending on the blend ratio and the molecular weight of the added polymer. Macrophase separation also occurred in blending the high molecular weight homopolymer. In crystallization from such melts, the microphase structure was completely kept regardless of any melt structure. This was attributed to the reason that the melt structure was frozen by the glassy domain of PS. The crystallization was suppressed in both degrees of crystallinity and crystallization kinetics for the systems having a small polyethylene composition. This suggests that the crystallization within the closed microdomain surrounded by the rigid matrix is restricted.
 Polyethylene-polyisoprene block copolymers (EI) and their blends with the corresponding homopolymers were investigated, where polyisoprene is in the rubbery state. For the EI copolymer with a higher molecular weight (HEI), having 50 wt% of crystalline component, microphase separation occurred in the melt. In crystallization, complex structure formation was observed depending on crystallization temperature Tc. At both high and low Tc's, the melt microphase separation structure was kept in crystallization, while it was disrupted at intermediate Tc. In particular, the maintenance of the melt structure at high Tc has not found so far. Generally, the Tc dependence of the structure formation has been explained by the competition between the crystallization and chain diffusion rates. Namely at low Tc the rapid crystallization does not permit the melt structure to be reorganized in crystallization, while the melt structure can be reorganized at high Tc because the slow crystallization provides enough time for reorganization. However, the maintenance of the melt structure at high Tc observed here cannot be explained by such speculation. It was concluded that this phenomenon found newly here was caused by a low degree of crystallinity. The crystallization was not suppressed so much in any microstruture, compared to that for the block copolymers having a glassy amorphous component, because the microdomain was soft due to the rubbery amorphous chains. The crystallization behavior in the blends with PE was the superposition of those of HEI and PE.
 For the EI with a lower molecular weight (LEI), no microphase separation structure was observed, and the crystallization from the disordered melt was confirmed by the time-resolved SAXS. The phase structure formed in crystallization was a regular alternating structure consisting of crystalline and amorphous layers, which was quite different from that formed in crystallization of HEI with keeping the melt structure. The thickness of each layer in the alternating structure was also estimated using the electron density correlation function obtained from the SAXS profiles. The crystallization behavior was almost the same as that of HEI.




