Improving transmission quality by cross layer schemes for wireless ad hoc networks
氏名 Oyunchimeg Shagdar
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博乙273号
学位授与の日付 平成21年12月9日
学位論文題目 Improving transmission quality by cross layer schemes for wireless ad hoc networks
主査 准教授 中川 健治
副査 教授 島田 正治
副査 教授 荻原 春生
副査 准教授 山崎 克之
副査 独立行政法人情報通信研究機構主任研究員 張 兵
[平成21(2009)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.
1 Introduction p.1
2 Ad Hoc Networking and Technical Challenges p.7
2.1 Medium Access Control p.7
2.1.1 CSMA/CA and its fundamental issues p.8
2.1.2 CDMA and its fundamental issues p.11
2.2 Ad Hoc Routing p.13
2.2.1 Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector Routing p.13
2.2.2 Optimized Link State Routing p.14
2.2.3 Dynamic Source Routing p.14
2.3 Transmission Control Protocol p.15
2.3.1 Sliding window p.16
2.3.2 Packet retransmission procedure p.16
2.3.3 Congesion control p.17
2.3.4 TCP in wireless networks p.18
2.4 Usage Models and Requirements p.18
2.4.1 Sensor networks p.18
2.4.2 Mesh networks p.19
2.4.3 Inter-vehicle networks p.20
2.4.4 Common issues p.21
2.5 Need for Cross Layer Interaction p.21
3 Improving Per-Flow Fairness in Ad Hoc Networks p.24
3.1 Introduction p.24
3.2 Per-Flow Unfairness Problem over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks p.25
3.2.1 Per-flow unfairness caused by data link layer p.25
3.2.2 Per-flow unfairness caused by media access control p.27
3.3 Related Works p.29
3.4 Proposed Scheme p.30
3.4.1 Improving per-flow fairness on data link layer p.30
3.4.2 Improving per-flow fairness through an extended MAC p.31
3.5 Analyzing Characteristics of the Proposed Scheme p.33
3.5.1 Analytical estimation of per-flow fairness p.33
3.5.2 Analytical estimation of medium utility p.35
3.6 Simulations p.35
3.6.1 Single-hop model p.37
3.6.2 Multi-hop model p.41
3.6.3 Complex model p.44
3.7 Summary p.46
4 Distributed Cross-Layer Load Control for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks p.48
4.1 Introductiuon p.48
4.2 Distributed Cross Layer Load Control p.49
4.2.1 System structure p.50
4.2.2 Load monitoring p.52
4.2.3 Rate signaling p.54
4.2.4 Rate control p.55
4.3 Performance analysis p.56
4.3.1 Performance of ori(FIFO) p.58
4.3.2 Performance of ori(RR) p.59
4.3.3 Performance of proposed scheme p.59
4.4 Simulation p.60
4.4.1 Validating theoretical analysis p.62
4.4.2 Performance comparison for mesh topology p.66
4.4.3 Performance comparison for ster topology p.67
4.4.4 Performance evaluation for case when conventional nodes exist p.69
4.5 Related Works p.70
4.6 Summary p.72
5 Delay-Based Priority Control over Wireless Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks p.73
5.1 Introductiuon p.73
5.2 Related Works p.74
5.3 Problem Formulation p.75
5.4 Proposed Schemes p.77
5.4.1 Priority control scheme based on number of hops p.77
5.4.2 Priority control scheme based on congestion condition p.79
5.5 Simulation p.82
5.6 Summary p.92
6 Reliable Cut-Through Packet Forwarding for Inter-Vehicle Networks p.93
6.1 Introductiuon p.93
6.2 Problem Formulation p.95
6.3 Reliable Cut-Through Forwarding p.97
6.3.1 Overview of diversity combining method p.98
6.3.2 Proposed Scheme: improving reliability of cut-through forwarding p.99
6.3.3 Theoretical analysis p.102
6.3.4 Discussion on channel assignment p.103
6.4 Simulation p.104
6.5 Related Works p.109
6.6 Summary p.110
Ad hoc network is formed dynamically through cooperation of an arbitrary set of wireless nodes. Because it does not rely on infrastructures,ad hoc network can be established any-time any-where at extremely low-cost, enabling a number of applications, including, sensor networks,emergency services, vehicular services. However, due to not relying on infrastructures, ad hoc networks are characterized with a number of dynamic natures, including:
(1) Nodes’ mobility: since nodes can move arbitrarily, the network topology can change frequently and unpredictably, resulting frequent route changes, network partitions, and packet losses.
(2) Fading: multi-path fading results wireless link to have varying quality, causing packets losses.
(3) Bandwidth sharing: because nodes share the wireless medium, link capacity varies depending on the number of nodes and node density.
The aforementioned dynamic natures brought issues that can not be easily solved by the traditional approaches that follow the strict layered architecture, which forbids direct communication between non-adjacent layers, and communication between adjacent layers is limited to procedure calls and responses. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose schemes that target on improving communication qualities by enabling cross layer interactions and collaborative operations of different layers/protocols.
Chapter 1 introduces ad hoc networks, including its fundamental characteristics and applications.
Chapter 2 introduces protocols, and technical challenges that are especially relevant to the ad hoc networking issues covered in the thesis.
Furthermore, application requirements are discussed for some popular usage models to see the usefulness of cross layer approaches to meet the application requirements. Finally, cross layer architecture is introduced that enables cross layered information sharing while assuring protocols’ independency and extendibility.
Chapter 3 targets per-flow unfairness problem that occurred when network resources, including bandwidth and buffers, are not fairly allocated to individual flows. In the proposed scheme, queue scheduling module and medium access control (MAC) protocol collaboratively operate to provide per-flow fair resource allocation, improving transmission quality. Simulations were performed with an NS-2 network simulator. Three types of network models were considered to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed scheme. First, a single-hop model was used to confirm the performance improvement at MAC. Then, a multihop model was used to confirm the performance improvement at the link layer. Finally, we used a complex model to see the comprehensive performance improvement when per-flow fairness is caused by both the link layer and MAC. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves per-flow fairness, total performance, and medium utility of the network.
In Chapter 4, a load control scheme is proposed that can be used as congestion control and delay control. Specifically, the data link and the application layers collaboratively adjust network load to channel capacity. Performances of the proposed schemes are evaluated with Qualnet network simulator. The simulation results show that compared to the conventional scheme, the proposed scheme can improve packet delivery ratio by up to 80%.
Chapter 5 targets performance of real time applications including, voice and video, that have strict delay and delivery requirements. In the proposed scheme, routing protocol and scheduling modules cooperate to increase the number of traffic accommodation rate. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is investigated with NS-2 networks simulator for voice and video traffic over multi-hop wireless mesh networks. Simulation results show that the scheme greatly improves the traffic accommodation for voice and video applications.
Chapter 6 targets on reliability issue on emergency message dissemination in inter-vehicle communications. Because the purpose of emergency message dissemination is to avoid possible car crashes, the application requires close to zero transmission delay. While cut-through forwarding is an attractive approach that can effectively reduce delay, it suffers from reliability issue. We propose to improve reliability performance, specifically bit error rate (BER), of cut-through forwarding, by a collaborative packet combining operation of MAC and physical layer modules. BER performances of the proposed scheme are evaluated with MATLAB simulator. The simulation results show that the diversity combining schemes, especially Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC), can effectively reduce BER by orders of magnitude.
第2章は、アドホックネットワークに適用が想定されるプロトコルおよびそれらの技術課題について述べている。具体的な、アドホックネットワークにおける通信は、従来の有線ネットワークにおける通信の拡張として考えられる場合が多く、殆どのプロトコルは有線ネットワークを対象に設計されたプロトコルである。従って、これらのプロトコルを無線アドホックネットワークへ適用するにあたって、さまざまな要求、技術課題が発生する。さらに、無線アドホックネットワークの用途に応じて、技術課題、要求が異なる場合もある。特に、本論文の第3章と第4章は一般的なアドホックネットワークの課題を対象としているが、第5章はメッシュネットワーク、第6は車車間ネットワークにおける課題を対象としている。従って、本論文が提案する方式は、アドホックネットワークの共通の課題もアプリケーション用途に応じた特殊な課題も対象としており、クロスレイヤ制御の適用性が幅広いことを伺える。 第2章の最後には、各クロスレイヤ方式を実装できるクロスレイヤアーキテクチャの案を提供している。