Thermodynamic studies on the molten globule states of cytochrome c (シトクロムcモルテングロビュール状態の熱力学的研究)
氏名 中村 成芳
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第410号
学位授与の日付 平成19年3月26日
学位論文題目 Thermodynamic studies on the molten globule states of cytochrome c (シトクロムcモルテングロビュール状態の熱力学的研究)
主査 助教授 城所 俊一
副査 教授 曽田 邦嗣
副査 教授 福田 雅夫
副査 教授 野中 孝昌
副査 創価大学教授 池口 雅道
[平成18(2006)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.
Chapter 1 General introductions
1.1 Molten globule state p.1
1.2 Molten globule state of cytochrome c p.2
1.3 Thermodynamic stability of Molten globule state p.3
1.4 Isothermal titration calorimetry for evaluation of protein stability p.3
Chapter 2 Methods
2.1 Introduction p.5
2.2 Solution X-ray scattering p.5
2.3 Circular dichroism spectroscopy p.6
2.4 Differential scanning calorimetry p.7
2.5 1D H-NMR p.9
Chapter 3 Establishment of isothermal acid-titration calorimetry
3.1 Introduction p.10
3.2 Materials and Method p.13
3.3 Results p.20
3.3.1 Acid-titration of bovine ribonuclease A at 40℃ p.20
3.3.2 Structure transition of bovine ribonuclease A monitored by far-UV CD and differential scanning calorimetry p.23
3.3.3 Thermodynamic parameters from IATC at various temperatures p.23
3.3.4 The pH-induced transition from N to MG state of bovine cytochrome c p.25
3.4 Discussion p.27
3.4.1 Establishment of Isothermal acid-titration calorimetry;acid-denaturation of RNase p.27
3.4.2 The pH-induced transition from N to MG state of cytochrome c evaluated by isothermal acid-titration calorimetry p.30
Chapter4 Volumetric properties in thermal transition of small globular Proteins evaluated by pressure perturbation calorimetry
4.1 Introduction p.53
4.2 Materials and Method p.55
4.2.1 Lysozyme and Cytochrome c solution p.55
4.2.2 Differential scanning calorimetry p.55
4.2.3 Density measurement p.56
4.2.4 Pressure perturbation calorimetry p.57
4.2.5 The two- and three-state analysis of PPC data for thermal transition of small globular proteins p.60
4.3 Results p.62
4.4 Discussion p.65
4.4.1 The approximation of the temperature dependence of the (dV/dT)p of each state of proteins p.65
4.4.2 Thermal transition of lysozyme at pH 2.5 p.66
4.4.3 Thermal transition of cytochrome c at pH 4.1 p.66
4.4.4 Thermal transition of cytochrome c at pH 2.5 in 500 mM KCl p.67
Chapter 5 The structure and thermodynamic properties of the molten globule state of cytochrome c in high salt concentration at low pH
5.1 Introduction p.77
5.2 Materials and Method p.78
5.3 Results p.80
5.3.1 CD spectra of molten globule state of cytochrome c p.80
5.3.2 Solution X-ray scattering profile of molten globule state of cytochrome c p.80
5.3.3 1D H-NMR spectroscopy of molten globule state of cytochrome c p.81
5.3.4 The pH-induced transition from N to MG1 state of cytochrome c evaluated by the isothermal acid-titration calorimetry p.82
5.3.5 The thermal transition from MG1 to D state of cytochrome c evaluated by the differential scanning calorimetry p.82
5.3.6 The thermal transition from MG1 to D state of cytochrome c evaluated by the pressure perturbation calorimetry p.84
5.4 Discussion p.85
5.4.1 The structural properties of MG1 state p.85
5.4.2 The structural properties of MG2 state p.85
5.4.3 The thermodynamic parameters in the thermal transition from MG1 to D state of cytochrome c p.85
5.4.4 The volumetric parameters in the thermal transition from MG1 to D state of cytochrome c p.87
Chapter 6 A molten globule-like intermediate state detected in the thermal transition of cytochrome c under low salt concentration
6.1 Introduction p.106
6.2 Materials and Method p.108
6.3 Results
6.3.1 Thermal transition of cytochrome c evaluated by calorimetry p.111
6.3.2 Thermal transition of cytochrome c evaluated by circular dichroism measurement p.112
6.3.3 Thermal transition of cytochrome c evaluated by SXS measurement p.113
6.3.4 Volumetric properties of the MG state of cytochrome c p.114
6.4 Discussion p.115
6.4.1 The intermediate state in the thermal transition of cytochrome c p.115
6.4.2 The molten globule-like intermediate state in a native condition p.116
6.4.3 Stability of the molten globule-like intermediate state of cytochrome c p.117
References p.137
Acknowledgements p.146
The protein three-dimensional (3D) structure is realized as the most stable thermodynamic state, which is a necessary condition for the automatic folding of the protein molecule. Accordingly, obtaining a more complete thermodynamic understanding of the folding mechanism has become one of the most important and interesting challenges in the field of protein physics. Our thermodynamic knowledge of protein thermodynamic stability has been considerably improved over the last several decades by calorimetry, a direct method to measure the thermodynamic functions. Many globular proteins are known to exhibit equilibrium molten globule (MG) states, which are compact denatured states with native-like secondary structure but largely disordered tertiary structure. It was reported that the equilibrium MG states of each protein are identical to its transient intermediates on folding. Therefore, the precise analysis of the stability of the MG state is very important for understanding the stabilization mechanism of the transient intermediate state in protein folding.
In this study, we established the isothermal acid-titration calorimetry (IATC), a new method for evaluating the enthalpy of protein molecules as a function of pH. Using the enthalpy function and the pH transition of the three-dimensional structure of the protein, the thermodynamic parameters accompanying the transition, such as enthalpy change, midpoint pH, and proton binding-number difference, are estimated by assuming a thermodynamic model for the transition. The acid-denaturation enthalpy of bovine ribonuclease A determined by this method agreed well with the enthalpy change calculated by the traditional, highly sensitive DSC, and the thermodynamic parameters were found to well explain the acid-transition of the three-dimensional structure monitored by far UV CD spectrum. The van't Hoff enthalpy of bovine ribonuclease A at 40 ℃, pH 2.8 agreed with the calorimetric enthalpy directly observed by acid-titration calorimetry under the same solution conditions
Two-state transition of cytochrome c from the native to the pH-induced MG1 state with only a slight change in enthalpy was directly observed by IATC method. It was also demonstrated that IATC can be used to evaluate transitions with small enthalpy changes that cannot typically be detected even when using a highly sensitive scanning calorimeter. The pH dependence of both the enthalpy of the MG1 state were clearly detected in the present study. The mechanism of pH dependence in this context should be clarified by further studies comparing the structure and thermodynamic properties of the MG1 state.
The existence of MG2 state was clearly confirmed on the thermal transition from MG1 to D state of horse cytochrome c by the three-state transition analysis of DSC, PPC, and CD data. The thermodynamic parameters, such as the enthalpy change, the volume change, the coefficient of thermal expansion change, and fractions etc, related to MG2 state on this transition were evaluated for the first time. From the volumetric parameter, it is examined that the α-helix structures are retained equal to MG1state, but the side chain packing of the hydrophobic core collapses in MG2 state of cytochrome c. From small difference of the heat capacity change in the transition from MG1 to MG2, it suggests that the MG2 have the hydrophobic core as well as that of MG1, and the main factor of the stabilization mechanism of the MG2 is hydrophobic interaction.
The thermal transitions of horse cytochrome c were thermodynamically evaluated by highly precise differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at pH 3.8 ~ 5.0. An intermediate (I) state is clearly confirmed in the thermal native (N)-to-denatured (D) transition of horse cytochrome c. The mole fraction of the intermediate state shows the largest value, 0.4, at nearly 70℃ at pH 4.1. This intermediate state was also detected by the circular dichroism (CD) method and was found to have the properties of the molten globule-like structure by three-state analysis of the CD data. The Gibbs free-energy change between N and I, ΔGID, and that between N and D, ΔGND, were evaluated to be 9~22 kJ mol-1 and 41~45 kJ mol-1, respectively at 15℃ and pH 4.1. It is the energetic implication that the equilibrium MG-like intermediate state is identical to the transient intermediate on folding.
本論文は、「Thermodynamic studies on the molten globule states of cytochrome c (シトクロムcモルテングロビュール状態の熱力学的研究)」と題し、6章より構成されている。タンパク質の熱力学的安定性や部分体積変化の新しい測定法・解析法を開発し、これらの手法などを用いて、シトクロムcのモルテングロビュール状態の溶液中での立体構造変化やその熱力学的特性を明らかにしたものである。
第3章では、タンパク質のエンタルピーのpH依存性を直接測定することを目的として本研究で開発・確立した等温酸滴定熱量測定法(IATC)について、測定の原理・手順・解析方法から実際の測定結果までが詳述されている。リボヌクレアーゼAの酸転移に伴うエンタルピー変化については、従来法であるCDやDSCの結果と一致することを示すとともに、エンタルピー変化のpH依存性を評価することで、立体構造転移に伴う熱容量変化の正確な評価が可能なことを示した。また、シトクロムcの天然(N)状態からMG状態への酸転移の熱量測定による評価を世界で初めて成功させ、DSCでは測定困難な15~30 kJ/molという非常に小さなエンタルピー変化を伴う立体構造変化が熱量測定で観測可能であることを示すとともに、NからMGへの構造転移が2状態転移であることを確認した。
第6章では、弱酸性・低塩濃度条件下でのシトクロムcの熱転移を、DSCとIATCにより測定し、その熱力学的安定性を精密に評価するとともに、SXSとCDにより立体構造変化を評価した結果について述べている。従来の研究では、このタンパク質のこの条件での熱転移では、平衡論的な中間状態は確認されていなかったが、高精度のDSCと本研究(第3章)で開発したIATCの測定結果により、この熱転移が安定な中間状態を含む3状態転移であることを明確にした。この結果、従来の定説よりも、N状態はD状態に比べるとエンタルピー的に100 kJ/mol程度、より安定化されていることが明らかになった。また、SXSとCDの結果から、本研究で示された中間状態はMG状態としての特性を有していることを明確に示した。