Study on High Performance Motion Control of Industrial Robot Focused on Mechanic al resonance (機械共振に着目した産業用ロボットの高性能モーションコントロールに関 する研究)
氏名 Somsawas Tungpataratanawong
学位の種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博甲第414号
学位授与の日付 平成19年3月26日
学位論文題目 Study on High Performance Motion Control of Industrial Robot Focused on Mechanical resonance (機械共振に着目した産業用ロボットの高性能モーションコントロールに関する研究)
主査 教授 大石 潔
副査 教授 近藤 正示
副査 助教授 野口 敏彦
副査 助教授 伊藤 淳一
副査 横浜国立大学 助教授 藤本 康孝
[平成18(2006)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.
Title Page p.i
Table of Contents p.iii
List of Figures p.vii
List of Tables p.xi
Acknowledgments p.xiii
1 Introduction p.1
1.1 Background p.1
1.2 Industrial Robot Manipulator p.2
1.3 Conventional Controller for Industrial Robot Manipulator p.3
1.4 High Bandwidth Robust Motion Control p.7
1.5 Resonant Frequency and Controller Design for Industrial Robot Manipulator p.9
1.6 Outline of the Thesis p.10
1.7 Note on Date of Figure Used in the Thesis p.12
2 Motion Control Design for Industrial Robot Focused on Mechanical Resonant Frequency p.15
2.1 Introduction p.16
2.2 Two-inertia Model of Single-DOF Robot Arm p.17
2.3 Robust Control Design Considering Mechanical Resonance p.22
2.4 Robust Pole Allocation p.27
2.5 Conclusion p.29
3 Paramenter Identification Based on Mechanical Anti-resonant and Resonant Frequencies p.31
3.1 Introduction p.32
3.2 Anti-resonant and Resonant Frequencies for Parameter Identification p.33
3.2.1 Resonant Frequency Identification Experiment p.42
3.3 Robust Motion Control Scheme with Resonant Frequency Based Parameters p.46
3.3.1 Conventional PD Control p.46
3.3.2 Feedforward Inverse Dynamics Torque Compensation p.51
3.3.3 D-PD Position Control p.59
3.4 Point-to-point Vibration Measurement p.65
3.5 Conclusion p.69
4 Robust Position Control of End-effector Considering Gear Stiffness and Arm Stiffness for Industrial Robot p.71
4.1 Introduction p.72
4.2 Robust Position Control of End-effector Considering Gear Stiffness and Arm Stiffness p.73
4.2.1 Concept of Total Arm Stiffness and Torsional Displacement Compensation p.73
4.2.2 Transfer Function for Disturbance Compensation p.77
4.3 Robust Position Control of End-effector with Force Sensor-less Scheme p.86
4.4 Conclusion p.90
5 Force sensor-less Impedance Control Utilizing Robot Dynamics Torque Computation p.91
5.1 Introduction p.81
5.2 Workspace Impedance Control with Robust D-PD Control p.81
5.3 External Force Estimation Based on Nominal Resonant and Robot Dynamics Model p.101
5.4 Impedance Control With D-PD and Feedforward Inverse Dynamics Torque Compensation Scheme p.104
5.5 Workspace Impedance Characteristic Test p.108
5.6 Robot Interaction with Operator in Workspace p.111
5.7 Impedance Control for Elastic Joint with Disturbance Compensation p.115
5.8 Conclusion p.123
6 Conclusions p.125
6.1 Discussion p.125
6.2 Related Research Areas p.128
6.3 Future Work p.129
Bibliography p.131
List of Archievements p.141
A Experimental Setup p.143
A.1 Overall System of the Experimental Setup p.143
A.1.1 Actuator and Parameter p.145
A.1.2 DSP System and Control Panel p.147
A.1.3 Laser Displacement Sensor p.150
A.1.4 Force Sensor p.151
A.2 Kinematics of 3-DOF Robot Manipulator p.154
B Dynamics Model of The Experimental Setup p.157
B.1 Dynamics of 3-DOF Robot Manipulator p.157
B.2 Robot Dynamics Parameter Identification Algorithm p.163
B.2.1 Constant Speed Algorithm p.163
B.2.2 Acceleration Speed Algorithm p.165
B.2.3 Two-joint Constant Speed Algorithm p.169
C PI Controller and State Feedback Design for Two-inertia System p.173
C.1 Speed Control of Flexible Jonint Model p.173
C.1.1 Minimum-order State Observer Design p.174
C.1.2 State Feedback Gain and PI Speed Controller Design p.179
Robot industry has grown strongly in recent years. The requirement for higher quality and efficiency in production has also aroused the expansive use of industrial robot manipulators in all manufacturing sectors. The successful robots today is not an issue of mechanical design alone, motion control is the key to success.
The mechanical resonance caused by the compliance of transmission components is an inherit problem for mechatronic servo system. High-bandwidth control scheme such as acceleration control based on disturbance observer is superb for rigid-structure system but not suitable for the robot system with mechanical resonance. This thesis introduces the utilization of structural characteristic of both anti-resonant and resonant frequencies for robust controller design. Control system with resonant suppression based on robust pole allocation and parameter identification based on mechanical resonance are proposed. This control design method is consistent to the conventional industrial servo system. For interactive motion control, the force sensor-less scheme based on load-side disturbance observer for two-inertia system is proposed with robot dynamics computation to calculate the external torque exerting to each joint of the robot. Moreover, the new concept of total arm stiffness of robot link is introduced to improve the performance of load-side offset elimination in both high precision motion control and interactive impedance control.
The structure of this thesis proceeds as follows:
Chapter1 states the background of the research and describes some details of motion control methods used for mechatronic servo system.
Chapter2 gives the explanation of two-inertia model of single-joint robot. Mecha nical
anti-resonant and resonant frequencies are explained. This chapter shows the relation of two-inertia model parameters and the mechanical resonance property. Moreover, new consideration of robust pole allocation for vibration suppression in speed control is presented. The relation of the anti-resonant characteristic of the two-inertia plant and the robust pole allocation is introduced.
Chapter3 initially proposes the two-inertia nominal model parameter identification by using the property of mechanical anti-resonant and resonant frequencies of the open-loop system. The experimental results in this chapter confirm that the identified parameters are important factors for high performance motion control design. The construction of primary loop position control for the cascade configuration control scheme is presented. D-PD (Derivative-Proportional and Derivative) controller designed by CDM (Coefficient Diagram Method) is introduced to deal with position control system. This control scheme gives response closed to the ideal acceleration control system when comparing with the conventional PD controller. Feedforward inverse dynamics torque compensation is introduced to quickly compensate the dynamics coupled torque of the robot during the operation.
Chapter4 introduces the new equivalent spring constant parameter including the stiffness of link and gear of the robot is introduced as the total arm spring constant. The offset from the overall stiffness of the robot joint is eliminated by utilizing force sensor-less scheme. The novel load-side disturbance compensation considering total arm elasticity is proposed.
Chapter5 describes the application of robot interaction by virtual impedance control with resonant suppression control and dynamics coupled torque compensation.
The force sensor-less scheme based on load-side disturbance observer with robot dynamics compensation is used to realize the interacting of robot end-point and the environment. The efficiency of the computation program is improved by using the same robot dynamics torque computation in both motion control and impedance control modes. In addition, the consideration of total arm stiffness is also implemented for the impedance control with load-side disturbance compensation by force sensor-less scheme.
Chapter6 the results of the thesis are summarized. The relevance of these results to areas other than industrial robot manipulator is discussed, and direction for the future research is suggested.
This thesis introduced the new design method utilizing inherit mechanical resonance of the system. From parameter identification to robust pole assignment by using the system anti-resonant and resonant frequencies, this thesis proved that the structural resonance of the system is an important physical parameters and should be taken into consideration for both parameter identification and controller design for resonant vibration suppression. This approach was proven to be an efficient primary concept for both motion and force control application for mechatronic system suffered with resonant vibration.
本論文は、「Study on High Performance Motion Control of Industrial Robot Focused on Mechanical Resonance(機械共振に着目した産業用ロボットの高性能モーションコントロールに関する研究)」と題し、6章より構成されている。