
A New Approach to Harmonic Compensation in Power Systems - The Combined System of Shunt Passive and Series Active Filters -

(新しい原理に基づく高調波抑制装置 ー直列形アクティブフィルタとLCフィルタの併用システムー )

氏名 彭 方正
学位の種類 工学博士
学位記番号 博甲第28号
学位授与の日付 平成2年3月26日
学位論文の題目 A New Approach to Harmonic Compensation in Power Systems -The Combined System of Shunt Passive and Series Active Filters- (新しい原理に基づく高調波制御装置-直列形アクティブフィルタとLCフィルタの併用システム-)
 主査 教授 難波江 章
 副査 教授 石崎 彰
 副査 教授 高橋 勲
 副査 助教授 赤木 泰文
 副査 東京大学大学教授 深尾 正

平成元(1988)年度博士論文題名一覧] [博士論文題名一覧]に戻る.

Preface p.iv
Acknowledgements p.vi
1.Introduction p.1
1-1 Background p.1
1-2 The Purpose of the Study p.3
1-3 A Brief Resume of the Dissertation p.6
2.Passive and Active Power Filters p.8
2-1 Introduction p.8
2-2 Passive Filters p.9
2-2-1 Compensation Principles and Characteristics p.9
2-2-2 Problems of Passive Filter p.19
2-3 Active Filters p.21
2-3-1 Historical Review p.21
2-3-2 Configuration, Operation Principle and Classification p.24
2-3-3 Problems of Active Filter p.26
2-4 Summary and the Ideal Harmonic Compensator p.28
3.Harmonic Distortion on Power Systems p.31
3-1 Introduction p.31
3-2 Generation and Flow of Harmonics p.32
3-3 Models of Harmonic Sources p.34
3-3-1 Norton Equivalent p.34
3-3-2 Thevenin Equivalent p.42
3-4 Effect of Harmonic Distortion p.42
3-5 Summary p.44
4.A New Approach to Harmonic Compensation p.46
4-1 Introduction p.46
4-2 System Configuration p.48
4-3 Principle of Operation p.48
4-4 Basic Control Scheme p.54
4-5 Static Compensation Characteristics p.56
4-5-1 Compensation Characteristics to Load Harmonics p.56
4-5-2 Blocking Characteristics to Source Harmonics p.58
4-6 Experimental Results p.58
4-7 Summary p.65
5.Compensation Characteristics and Dynamics p.67
5-1 Introduction p.67
5-2 Block Diagram of the System p.68
5-3 Analysis of Characteristics p.71
5-3-1 Relationship of G(s) and Compensation Characteristics p.71
5-3-2 Stability of the System p.78
5-4 Extraction Methods for Harmonics p.81
5-4-1 Extraction Methods p.82
5-4-2 Characteristics Comparison p.82
5-5 Summary p.84
6.Design, Applications and Improvements p.92
6-1 Introduction p.92
6-2 Determination of Value of Κ p.93
6-3 Voltage and Capacity of DC Capacitor p.96
6-3-1 In Steady State p.96
6-3-2 In Transient State p.98
6-3-3 Voltage Control Circuit p.99
6-4 Design of a Small LC Filter to Suppress PWM Ripples p.100
6-5 Improvement for Transient Characteristics p.102
6-5-1 New Control Scheme and Characteristics p.104
6-5-2 Experimental Verification p.108
6-6 Improvement for Suppressing Voltage Distortion p.111
6-6-1 Advanced Circuit Configuration p.111
6-6-2 Simulation Results p.115
6-7 Improvement for Eliminating Resonance p.122
6-7-1 New Control Scheme and Characteristics p.122
6-7-2 Experimental Verification p.127
6-8 Summary p.127
7.Conclusions and Future Work p.132
7-1 Conclusions p.132
7-2 Future Work p.134
A Derivation of G p.137
B Conditions of Continuity of the AC Current p.139
C Derivation of A-1B p.142
D Theoretical Proof p.145
E Optimal Design of Passive Filter p.147
Bibliography p.153
List of Tables
2-1 Circuit constants of passive filter. p.14
5-1 Harmonic contents of line current used in simulation. p.79
6-1 Distortion factors of υF and values of υC in the four cases. p.121
6-2 Harmonic contents. p.127
B-1 Values of L and Cd p.141
E-1 Optimum circuit constants to minimize DF of υF before the PWM converter #1 is started. p.148
E-2 Optimum circuit constants to minimize DF of υF after the PWM converter #1 is started. p.149
E-3 Harmonic contents of line of 12-pulse rectifier. p.150
E-4 Conventional circuit constants of passive filter. p.150
E-5 Optimum circuit constants of passive filter. p.150
List of Figures
2-1 Circuit schemes of passive filter. p.9
2-2 Basic principle of passive filter. p.10
2-3 Simple one-line diagram showing characteristics of passive filter. p.12
2-4 Experimental model of passive filter. p.14
2-5 Characteristics of passive filter to load. p.15
2-6 Experimental waveforms of passive filter with Ls=0.02pu. p.16
2-7 Experimental waveforms of passive filter with Ls=0.056pu. p.17
2-8 Characteristics of passive filter to utility source. p.18
2-9 Experimental waveforms of passive filter with Ls=0.02pu and no load. p.20
2-10 Basic principle of active filter. p.22
2-11 Basic configurations of active filter(subscript "f" denotes the fundamental "h" denotes harmonics). p.25
2-12 An example for showing problems of active filter.(a): One-line diagram, (b) and (c): The equivalent circuits in one phase. p.29
3-1 Distribution system equivalent circut. p.33
3-2 (a)Simple current source, (b)Norton equivalent. p.35
3-3 The bridge rectifier with input filter. p.36
3-4 Block diagram of the rectifier system. p.37
3-5 Waveforms of IL due to the perturbation Δα. p.38
3-6 Experimental waveforms at Id=68Α<1.0pu. p.39
3-7 Experimental waveforms at Id=75Α<1.0pu. p.40
3-8 Diode rectifier with capacitive dc filter. p.42
3-9 Thevenin equivalent. p.43
3-10 Waveforms with continuous ac current(Rd=100[Ω], L=43mH, Cd= 500μF, Vsm=141V(peak value)) p.43
4-1 (a): System configuration of the new filter system, (b): Main circuit of the series active filter. p.50
4-2 Equivalent circuits.(a): Per phase equivalent, (b): Equivalent for fundamental and (c): Equivalent for harmonics. p.51
4-3 New approch to compensation for the case of multiple harmonic sources. p.54
4-4 Static characteristics to load harmonic current.(a): Ls=0.02pu, (b): Ls=0.056pu. p.57
4-5 Static characteristics to source harmonics.(a): Ls=0.02pu, (b): Ls=0.056pu. p.59
4-6 Experimental waveforms with Ls=0.02pu at the instant of starting the series active filter. p.61
4-7 Spectra of is before and after starting the series active filter.
4-8 Experimental waveforms with Ls=0.056pu at the instant of starting the series active filter . p.63
4-9 Experimental waveforms with Ls=0.02pu and no load at the instant of starting the series active filter. p.64
5-1 Block diagram of the control circuit. p.68
5-2 Block diagram of the filter system. p.70
5-3 Compensation characteristics.(a): Ls=0.02pu, (b): Ls=0.056pu. p.73
5-4 ΔVc/ΔIL versus fc. p.76
5-5 Compensation characteristics with 2nd-order HPF. p.77
5-6 Positive/negative-sequence block diagram. p.79
5-7 Stable and unstable regions. p.80
5-8 Nyquist loci. p.80
5-9 Comparison.(a): Experimental waveforms, (b): Simulation waveforms. p.86
5-10 Comparison of harmonic extraction circuits.(a): Magnitude characteristics, (b): Phase characteristics. p.87
5-11 Compensation characteristics of using notch filter for harmonic extraction.(a)Ls=0.02pu, (b): Ls=0.056pu. p.87
5-12 Parallel resonance peak value versus fc and Q(K=1.0pu, Ls=0.02pu) p.88
5-13 Voltage characteristics versus peak value of parallel resonance at sub-and super-harmonic frequencies of 40Hz and 60Hz.(K=1.0pu, Ls=0.026pu) p.89
5-14 Characteristics comparison of pq method and notch filter method (fc=35Hz, Q=0.867 for the same peak value of 3.7dB). p.90
5-15 Step response comparison of pq method and notch filter method (fc=35Hz, Q=0.867 for the same peak value of 3.7dB). p.91
6-1 Residual of nth-order harmonic. p.94
6-2 Vc versus K. p.95
6-3 Experimental Waveforms.(a): with Cd=1600μF, (b): with Cd=190μF. p.97
6-4 DC voltage control circuit. p.99
6-5 Equivalent circuit seen from the PWM converter. p.101
6-6 Simulation results with fluctuating load. p.103
6-7 New control circuit for improvement for transient characteristics. p.105
6-8 Compensation characteristics of using new control circuit.(a): Ls=0.02pu, (b): Ls=0.056pu p.107
6-9 ΔVc/ΔIL versus fc2 with the new control scheme. p.107
6-10 Simulation results with new control circuit for fluctuating load. p.108 
6-11 Experimental results with new control circuit for steady load. p.109
6-12 Experimental results with new control circuit for fluctuating load. p.110
6-13 New circuit configuration. p.112
6-14 Control scheme for the new circuit configuration. p.113
6-15 Threshold of harmonic instability of rectifier. p.114
6-16 Simulation results per new circuit configuration with the passive filter of Table 2.1, (Ls=0.02pu, K1=2Ω, K2=5). p.117
6-17 Simulation results per new circuit configuration with Q5=Q7=100 (Ls=0.02pu, K1=2Ω, K2=5). p.118
6-18 Simulation results per new circuit configuration with the optimum circuit constant shown in Table E.1, (Ls=0.02pu, K1=2Ω, K2= 5). p.119
6-19 Simulation results per new circuit configuration with the optimum circuit shown in Table E.2, (Ls=0.02pu, K1=2Ω, K2=5). p.120
6-20 System configuration-compensation for 12-pulse rectifier. p.123
6-21 Compensation characteristics of using basic control scheme. (K=1.0pu).(a): Ls=0.02pu, (b): Ls=0.056pu. p.124
6-22 New control circuit for improvement of suppressing parallel resonance. p.125
6-23 Compensation characteristics with new control scheme(τ=0.0005, χk=0.009, fc=70Hz, KF=0.2pu).(a): Ls=0.02pu, (b)Ls=0.056pu. p.126
6-24 Experimental results with new control circuit(Ls=0.022pu). p.128
6-25 Experimental results with new control circuit in the case of the load current including various harmonics(Ls=0.056pu). p.129
6-26 Spectra of is and iL after starting the series active filter. p.130
7-1 The new approch to compensation for harmonics of a complicated power system. p.135
A-1 Waveforms when VF4 exists. p.138
A-2 Δα2 due to VF4. p.138
D-1 Vector diagram of inequality of(D.5). p.146
E-1 System configuration of passive filter and 12-pulse rectifier. p.149
E-2 Waveforms per Figure E.1 with the conventional circuit constants shown in Table E.4, (Ls=0.02pu, K=2Ω). p.151
E-3 Waveforms per Figure E.1 with the optimum circuit constants shown in Table E.5, (Ls=0.02pu, K=2Ω). p.152

 本論文は、"A new approach to harmonic compensation in power systems"と題し、7章から構成されている。
 第2章"Passive and active power filters"では、従来から高調波対策に採用されてきたLCフィルタの補償原理と特性を説明し、LCフィルタの固有の問題点を論じている。又、現在実用化が進められている並列形アクティブフィルタの研究経過、回路構成とその動作原理及び分類について述べると共に、並列形アクティブフィルタの問題点を明らかにしている。
 第3章"Harmonic distortion on power systems"では、電力系統における高調波の発生とその流れ、補償装置の特性を論じる場合に有効となる高調波源(補償対象)のモデリングと解析を行っている。サイリスタ整流回路は、典型的な高調波電流源として考えられてきたが、系統側のインピーダンスが高いとき、不安定になることがあり、その条件を示した。又、コンデンサ入力形ダイオード整流回路のモデルとその条件を示した。更に、高調波が系統並びに系統と関係する機器と環境に及ぼす悪影響を概略している。
 第4章"A new approach to harmonic compensation"では、送配電系統の高調波対策として新しい原理に基づく高調波抑制装置を提案し、システム構成、動作原理、制御法と基本的な補償特性について検討している。これは小容量の直列形アクティブフィルタと通常のLCフィルタの併用システムに特長がある。本システムにおいて、直列形アクティブフィルタは、電源と高調波源の間の"高調波アイソレータ"として動作し従来のLCフィルタ又は並列形アクティブフィルタでは得られない優れた特性を有することを理論的に明らかにした。20kVAの三相サイリスタ整流回路を補償対象として、0.45kVAの直列形アクティブフィルタと10kVAのLCフィルタから構成した実験システムを試作し、実験により本装置の優れた特性を明らかにした。
 第5章"Compensation characteristics and dynamics"では、高調波検出回路にpq理論を適用した場合の特性解析を行ない、システムの動特性を詳細に理論的に解析し、システムの安定性・過渡特性などを明らかにしている。その結果として、例えば、pqの高調波分離用HPFが1次の場合、全領域にわたってシステムが安定であるが、HPFが2次以上ではシステムが不安定になることが判り、システムの安定領域を示した。更に、これらの結果はシミュレーションと実験により確認されている。
 第6章"Design, applications and improvements"では、システム設計、種々の特定負荷の高調波抑制への応用及びその特性改善などについて以下のような検討を行った。
 第7章"Conclusions and future work"では、本研究で得られた結論と今後の研究課題をまとめている。



